Dear mom,
I'm glad you survived talking in church. :) and I survived another week. Haha actually this week was really good. There was exchanges on Tuesday, so I spent the day in harbourne, and that was really fun because sis Powely is from Vegas. Wednesday we had a zone meeting and learned a lot of things about missionary work. Thursday sis Lee and I headed to Wombourne to visit a less active member, and we talked about priesthood blessings, because she's going to have a surgery soon, and it would really help her. Her daughter is really worried because she doesn't have big chance of surviving the operation. But honestly, I love this member, she's a lot like grandma is and she's just so easy to love. 😄 Friday we had a very interesting lunch at a pub with some members. Don't worry, there was no alcohol served to us. Just soup and carvery. And afterwards, sis Lee was feeling really ill, so we stayed in all day. Saturday we met Diana again and had a lesson with her and her husband. And Sunday was church. We taught the end of the 12-14 Sunday school, and sharing time in primary. No talks in church this time though. 🙂 and this morning, the relief society has a thing called the choc and do, and I learned how to knit! I've started a scarf and its gray and teal. The wonderful sister who taught me has so much patience with both sister Lee, who is learning how to crochet, and me and somehow keeping us both on track.
So this week hasn't been too exciting, but there have been a few tender mercies that we've made sure not to forget, like on morning our water stopped working, so we said a prayer and when I went to fill up my cup a few minutes later, not thinking about it, it worked! And when we were stopping by people on the ward list in Wombourne, there was one house that had a really huge gate we could not have managed to get into ourselves, but they drove up and talked to us a little, even if they weren't interested 😭. But still a miracle. There have been a couple of others as well. We've picked up a new investigator named Allen, he's a sick man, but has a bit of faith and the elders had been teaching Him before they left. 😄
So this week has been a blessing. I really learned how to appreciate what each and every day teaches me. I rely love that every day I'm a little bit better than I was at the beginning. And that's what life is all about: what you learn from your experiences.
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On 11 Jan 2016, at 06:41, kelly wadsworth <> wrote:
Dear Rachel,Well, the talk is over. I'm not sure it was a good one. But it is over, and it's too late now.This week has been pretty normal. Just the same old stuff. It was good to get back into my routine. It did snow almost every day, so I guess that changed it up a little.Dad has stayed up in Ely this week, trying to get more work. Since they cut back the overtime at the mine, he has been driving for AGL (same place Matt works) on his days off to make up the difference. He would have driven down and back in the snow if he came home, so he decided to play it safe.I think Chelsey was glad to go back to work; I know we are pretty boring after her exciting life in Twin Falls. At least she gets to talk to people while she is at school. She just needs her visa and she is ready to go to China. Jacques rode in to Pioche with her the other day, and I guess her driving scared him. Don't tell her I said that.Ally tried out for the play. She should find out tomorrow what part she got. It has been nice having her come home every day, but that will change now with play practice starting.Jacques did not try out, but he still wants to be in the play. He just didn't want to sing a song for try outs. I will miss him coming home everyday too. I will have to bring wood in myself. He is really close to doing his Eagle project. At least he gets to start on the paperwork soon.Benson is still Benson. Some days he is happy and easy to get along with, then other days, he just wants to pick a fight over everything. The good days are coming more often and lasting longer. Riding home from ball practice or games when it is just him and me, he talks all the way home. They lost both of their games this weekend. Needles crushed them, but Laughlin was a really close game. They only lost by 2.Natty is doing good in school and band. She sounds a lot better on the trumpet now. She has been reading a lot of books on her tablet. She is expanding her horizons. We found a place online to get unlimited books for 8.99. So Ally, Natty, and I all share the account and get our money's worth.I had an easy week last week. No Taryn and Ashton all week. Keldyn and Ryder started playing together a lot better without Ashton here. They will be back tomorrow, but after a break I hope they will be easier. Reiko is just fun to take care of. The boys both all love to help with him. I took Keldyn and Ryder sledding over at Grandma's house on Thursday. They had so much fun! It was so funny to just sit Ryder on the sled and push him over the hill. Then I would ride another sled down so I could help him get his sled back up the hill.That was our week, how was yours? When do you have transfers again? Tell us about your investigators and what you are doing. Share some more details and stories of what is going on.Tuffy will be home next month. And did I tell you Emma had her appendix out? New Year's Eve I think it was. That is 2 in 3 months for the Pearson's.I can't think of anything else. And it is late. I love you. Work hard and listen harder.Mom
Ps. Please tell aunt Amy and her family thanks for the Christmas presents! I enjoyed them very much and I and so grateful for little useful things she sent. And I loved the letters form the ward, even if it wasn't Christmas, I didn't even care. So, thanks!!!❤️
Sister Wadsworth 😊
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