I have absolutely no clue what I want for my birthday. Maybe you could feed the missionaries and take a picture and sent it to me. I'm sure there is popcorn here somewhere, I'm just not looking for it anymore. Haha. I love that quote or what ever it is, because it always seems like I'm walking up a hill, and in the rain. 😊 love you mom!
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On 8 Feb 2016, at 05:38, Kelly <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Well, it turned out we did get a snow day. The school called at 5 am and told everyone to stay home. Natty spent most of the day outside, but the rest of us hunkered down in the house. The roads were all plowed by Tuesday, but around our house was still pretty bad. We ended up getting stuck 3 times. All of them right here at home. I would get the little kids settled, then go out and shovel snow for a while. Then come in and start over. I was pretty sore by the end of that day.
Wednesday we were back to a normal schedule. Thursday I got a call from Marie Bleak. She is going to work down in Panaca, and so Canon will be coming back. Back when school started I was afraid this would be my last year cuz all I had was Keldyn. Now I am up to 5 boys and picking up 2 girls after school.
Basketball is almost over. They lost on Fri and on Saturday, they won!!! Benson is doing so awesome. It is fun to watch him. He got hurt on Sat, I was afraid when the coach started looking for me in the crowd, but he just wanted to give Benson some ibuprofen. Whew. They only have two games left. As much as I hate sitting on the bleachers, I will miss watching the games.
Saturday, Teri brought her adopted grandkids out to go sledding. The snow was still deep, but not very good for sledding. Porter came inside to warm up and play, then decided he wanted to stay. He didn't even care when they drove away. I took him home when we went to the game. It was pretty funny.
Chelsey is leaving tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I am ready for this, but she is. We will drive her to Vegas, leave her at the airport, I don't think we will even be able to see her get on the plane like we did with you.
Now about you. Are you transferred? Or did you stay? Tell us all about it. Ally wants to know what you want for your birthday. So do I. Do you need anything desperately? Microwave popcorn doesn't count. Do they have microwave popcorn over there?
That's about it. We love you so much. I am glad you have this opportunity to serve a mission. You are growing from this experience, but so are we. The thought just popped into my head: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Marie bore her testimony today and shared a quote that was something like, you know you are on the right path if it is all uphill. I guess if you need that advice I should say good luck, too.
Good luck. Love you.
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