Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Dear Everyone
Cannock it great. Its smaller than my last ward, but also more alive because there are more young families than before. I'm starting to find my way around again and not having to depend too much on my companion to get me to the town centre or the church at least.
The most disappointing thing was i thought we would be biking, but it turns out that we just walk everywhere. at least its smaller that Woodsetton. the hardest part is getting across the roundabouts everyday.
The work is great. we are mostly working with the less active members and part member families (digging the gold mine) but we have also been doing some street contacting, or attempting it.the town centre is super small, but we have had some success that we are willing to keep trying.
Its so hard to have to learn and love new people, but its so great at the same time. my favorite new person is our thai investigator, who is always happy to see us and reads her book of mormon when no one is in her shop. she got past jacob 5 and is now somewhere in mosiah.
My companion is great. shes going home in a few transfers and so shes really more focused on that than her purpose as a missionary, its going to be an interesting transfer..
there are miracles that happen every day though. and I know the lord blesses us for our efforts when we do try our best. I love being a missionary and its so great. Can you believe its been 6 months? it has just flown by so fast.
My funny story for this week is going to be when we gate crashed a less actives visiting teaching visit. but that was also one of my favorite moments too. It was sooo good to see them encourage and support her especially with her desire to come back to church.
Love you all, and hope you have a great week!
Sister Wadsworth :)
hey, are we related to any Wadsworths in winnemucca? theres a sister wadsworth coming from winnemucca in april? i think, and the ap keeps asking me if we're related, but I dont know who it is.
and I sent home some clothes that Im not ever going to wear here, but it got marked as a gift even though its not.. and dont let all wear my graduation dress!!
On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 4:44 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Happy birthday again, Chelse! From your email, it sounds like you had quite the weekend. I'm glad you had a chance to do something fun and exciting. We thought of you all day, but we didn't have a chance to skype cuz we were either driving, at the poetry thing, or you would have been asleep.
We have had another busy week. Monday was dress rehearsal. It didn't go too late, so we were able to have FHE. We watched the lamb movie.
Tuesday was opening night plus they did a matinee. One of the boys was on grade check, so Mr. Lester had to (got to) be in the play. He made a pretty good suitor. The did really good that night. There weren't very many people there, but that was good. We got to sit right up front. This was late night #1.
Wednesday they did even better. Natty got to go to the play for YW. Her third time. Dad was there that night. He'd had some problems getting his pickup back together, so he missed the first night. Late night #2.
Thursday, they did a good job again. Adam forgot a few lines in a song. Nothing too big. Natty's fourth time, my third. Late night #3, and then we stayed up to watch a movie after we got home. Really late night. Dad went back to work Thursday, so he only got to see it once. Benson never did see it. He just stayed and played basketball.
I was so glad to see Thursday come. It was a loooong week. Everyday felt like Monday.
Friday, when we finally got up, we got ready to go to Reno for Poetry Out Loud. I told everyone we needed to leave by 11, and when we got out the door at 11:30, l felt like we got away on time. We took the boys to Henry and Shawns' house, so they wouldn't need rides to the bus for the track meet (Benson) and the play. It's a good thing Shawn loves us. We made it to Reno about 7:30, got checked in to the hotel, then went for a drive up to the temple. It was dark, but still really pretty. Then we went to Denny's, and did a little more exploring. A lot has changed up there. Then we went to bed. Yeah!! We stayed at a different hotel than last time, and it was a lot nicer and the bed was really comfortable.
Saturday, we got ready, and went to the PBS station where they taped the competition. It was a lot nicer than when Cami did it. But still long and boring. Sorry, Ally. It was boring. Natty thought so too. Ally didn't place in the top three, but she did a good job. There are some schools that really get into the competition. Elko won. I think they did last time we were there, too.
We found the Kratt brothers while we were there.
One of the kids from Eureka was LDS. It was great to see such a clean cut young man in his BYU sweatshirt. His dad asked if we were related to Pres. Wadsworth who was the temple president up in Reno. We are.
After the competition, we stayed long enough to eat, then hurried home. We did get stopped twice, because we still have one headlight out. Both officers were really nice. Just wanted to make sure we knew the light was out. After we left Ely, we saw an elk, some antelope, some deer, and hit 2 rabbits. All the big animals were right alongside the road. Our guardian angels must have been holding them back, just a couple of steps further for any of them would have been ugly.
We made it home just before midnight. Benson had begged a ride home from Justin, so the lights were on and there was a fire going. It was nice. Jacques was stuck in Panaca, and Shawn must have gotten tired of him, cuz she was taking him home. We passed them going down the hill to Panaca. So we turned around and met them, then turned around again and went home.
Church today was really good. Having Sacrament meeting first really helps when you are tired. We had High Counselors, and both of them were interesting. Pancakes for Sunday dinner.
Chelsey, Marie says she and bodie are getting along great.
Grandpa Wadsworth is back at Eve's house. He was at Sara's for a while. He's been having pains and cramps in his legs, and not able to get out of bed for a while. I don't know how he is now.
Spring Break is this week. Ally and Jacques will be going to Reno for FFA on Tuesday. So it will just be Benson, Natty, and me. We do get Taryn and Ashton on Tuesday, but other than that, just us. We will have to think of something fun to do. Maybe a short campout, or a trip to Cedar or something.
I guess that's about it. This is quite a letter for me. The next one won't be nearly as long. We will be back to boring.
Rachel, how are you doing in your new area? Tell us all about your companion, and apartment, and neighborhood, and everything.
Keep up the work. it is a good one..
Love you!!
hpaich on
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Hi Everyone!
This has been a pretty crazy week with a lot of surprises and miracles and blessings. :) We have had some really great spiritual expericences as well as some that will always make us laugh...
For the spiritual side, I have applied what it means to be bold with love, and challeging a less active to go back to the temple and be sealed for her parents and then feeling the spirit in her home was so great. We also got to have a baptism this week, though we had to stop counting it in our numbers because its technically a ward baptism. but it has been so good to have a less active family start coming to church again, and then to make the decison to work towards the temple as well has been another incredible experience. I love the gospel.
for the funny part of the week, we were buying some chippy to eat with a less active, and sister francis asked for some "chips and meat" but she got some "chips and mint" back.. and I jsut asked for the same, so we got a whole lot of chips with mint sauce and we had to explain and it never would have happened if we had just waited 5 minutes and gone to our ususal chippy... patience is a virtue. though the chips werent that gross, they were still eatable thankfully. :)
For the surprising part of the week: Im being transferred! Im going to Cannock and serving with sister woolsey. since they have changed dodge night to saturday and transfers to tuesday, I get to tell you before I leave. It was a surprise, since sister francis is going home, and we thought I would probably be staying one more. But I guess not! I'm exticed to get to know the members in Cannock as much as I love the members in woodsetton. :) Even though is is literally the other side of wolverhampton...
the blessings that I have seen this week was seeing the chapel full! since we had a baptism, all of his family came to support him and it was such a good thing to see, and hopefully it planted some seeds that future missionaries can reap soon. :)
Love you all!
Sister Wadsworth
that picture of benson made me laugh so much, though I agree that its sad. when you are in the service of others, your own problems seem to go away. I got to go to sharing time again this sunday, and I love hearing the primary songs again. they will always be some of my favorite songs. last sunday, not this sunday, was mothers day here in the uk, and it was so weird to have people passing around flowers when it wasnt even time to think about that.. but Im glad american mothers day is closer to my birthday because that will be the biggest present ever. :) and if you could send me some of the potental canker sores, I would love you! they dont have those here.... I hope Jacques hand is alright. and that nobody else feels poorly this week.
:)1) Saying goodbye to Diana.
2) telling sister Francis that in 9 months she'll be married with a baby.
Dear Rachel, and Chelsey,
How do we get back to Sunday so fast? I swear that I just wrote yesterday, and here I am again. I could probably just copy last weeks letter and it would work for this week. Not much different.
I think we are all finally over the sicknesses. Reiko was back last week, and no one else has come down with it. Cross your fingers, and say your prayers. It has been a bad year for the sicknesses.
Play practice was all over the place. Some days right after school, and some days late. But costumes are done, it wasn't a lot of sewing this year, which was nice. The kids have pulled it together (mostly). I think it will be good. By the last night, they should have it down!
The boys had a track meet Friday. Benson hurt his ankle on his first jump, and was done for the day. And Jacques managed to step on his own hand with his spikes and from his story, there was a LOT of blood. He says he did pretty good placed 5 or 6th or something. I never know what to believe, though. His pretty good and my pretty good, are sometimes different.
Ally, Natty, and I got to spend a nice quiet day at home. It was Natty's birthday, but we didn't do anything very exciting. We did play hide and seek. That was our excitement.
Saturday was play practice all day.
Funny story: It is the Young Men's turn to clean the church this month. Jacques stayed in Pioche at Camden's house after play practice, but Benson was at home. Dann came by to pick up boys to help, but Benson did NOT want to go. Begging, bribing, threatening, nothing was going to get him to go. Not ever brute force. He was hanging onto the door and wall. It was funny, but also sad that he wasn't willing to help.
He has been very grumpy and mean lately. If a large box shows up, it might be Benson shipped to you.
It was good to go to church today. It always is after missing a week. I love being in Primary and doing the singing. Sometimes the spirit is there so strong just from the kids singing, and I love that feeling. Music is such a good way to share my testimony.
Chelsey and Cami were able to skype with us on Natty's birthday. Not together, but one right after the other. Chelsey, it feels like you are just in Twin Falls most of the time. Once you got settled in, I haven't been worried about you hardly at all. I guess my "mom nerves" have settled down. I
The play is next week, then Ally goes to Reno for Poetry Out Loud. And after that it will be Spring Break. Jacques and Ally will be in Reno for FFA during the break, so I don't know what we are going to do. Benson will more than likely find somewhere to be , so Natty and I will be here alone. I might just bore her to death someday.
I guess that's about it. I love to get your letters. I will forward Chelsey's again. or Chelsey, you could just sendRachel a copy. Whatever works.
I love you both. Be safe.
ps chelsey, can you get on lds.org over there? all the primary songs are on there. You could also do the frog song or the ducks.

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Dear mom and everyone else,
This week was a pretty good one. I'm honestly still trying to get used
to having to coordinate things with the elders again. Everyone in the
ward is pretty excited that they are back.
What did I even do this week? I know it was good, and we were very
busy all week, but it all just kind of runs together until I pull out
my planner and see what I actually did this week.
The most exciting moments from this week are that the ward held a
talent show. Most of the primary kids and the youth performed, and I
gotta say, this is a talented ward. ❤️ another one is that Constantine
came to church! He is being taught by the elders now, and it was one
of the saddest moments of my life to walk away after introducing them
to him and seeing the. All go inside his home for a lesson. And we had
to walk away. But he came to church and it was so good to see him
there. 😊
We were also able to have a last minute volleyball on Thursday, with
the elders. That was a lot of fun.
The craziest (or at least one of them) thing that happened this week
is that we stopped by a potential, and they let us in, and they
started doing my companion's hair. It was the weirdest thing, but they
really seem to love her and are sad she's going home. (So am I)
And today, we went with most of our district and got Chinese food in
Birmingham. It was good. I never thought I would ever willingly eat it
again, but I enjoyed it.
What I learned form this week was about humility. What it truly means
to be humble, it to show others that what you have been given,
everything, has come from the Lord. I know that my efforts to bless
and serve others has not been me alone, I am just doing my father in
heaven's will.
Love you all!! 😊😊❤️😘
Sister Wadsworth
Ps. Dodge night has been changed to Saturday, so I can let you know on
Monday if I'm staying or going.
1 buss selfies.
All the rest- why do I always end up taking pictures of food?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Message body
Greetings (still) from woodsetten!
This week was just another good one. Haha I think every week is good.
I think that s because I'm always learning so much from week to week
and I just love life. I love seeing the miracles that happen all over
in unexpected ways.
Monday- we finally were able to spend some time as a district and make
some pizza and play some chair football. Lots of fun, but I think we
all forgot to take any pictures because we were enjoying our delicious
pizza so much. #pizzaloverforever 🍕🍕⚽️
Tuesday- we were actually able to spend some time around Dudley, which
is good, and we had a great time getting lost and walking trying to
stop by some referrals/less actives/members. #noonewashome 🙁 we were
also able to teach our new investigator that night and I'm so grateful
for that miracle. 😊 #miracleshappen we had some time before that
appointment, so (this was inspired) we stopped by a less active family
who was planning on feeding us dinner the next day before they could
cancel on us (like they always do)
Wednesday- we went to do service for a less active again. I'm kind of
frustrated with her because we show up to help and sometimes she will
just sit on her phone talking to her friends the whole time and we
barely manage to squeeze a spiritual thought in at the end. But it's
been getting better. We also were able to see our Romanian friends
#doorsteplessons #cantgetamemberesent I love those people. Even though
there is a huge language barrier and you really have to rely on the
spirit to teach and pray they will understand you.
Thursday- we had our district meeting, we met Bobby again after a very
long time. We also went back to our less active family who we are
teaching so our baptism can happen on our scheduled day. 😊
Friday- we were working in Wolverhampton when our district leader
called us to let us know that the woodsetten elders were coming back
today! #welcomeback so it's a huge blessing to finally not have to
travel as much, but most of our new investigators live in that area.
So now we get to start all over again to find new people to teach. Oh,
and we had two!! Dinner appointments that day. One was a lunch (we had
carvery) and the other was Indian food (words cannot express how much
I love Indian food. #whendidthishappen?) I got to try dosa, which was
really good. After that we got to meet our new elders, and i really
hope they can figure out their way around soon. It's a really
confusing area and the busses aren't too good where they live...
Saturday- a special day, where we get ready for Sunday... We went back
to do more service for the same member on Wednesday, and then we took
the elders to meet our Romanian friend, Constantine, because he love
in their area. It was so sad to introduce them and then walk away as
the elder went inside (they can actually do that) to teach him and we
went home a little after that to eat lunch. Then we met our miracle
again and went to the Saturday evening stake conference with her,
though she didn't come to the Sunday one.. It was a really good
spiritual experience. I love hearing words from general authorities,
and area 70's.
Sunday- we went to stake conf and learned more! This time we got a
lift from other member am the himans. And then we had dinner with
them. Then we went to the one Romanian friend we are still going to be
teaching because it will be easier for us to visit her than the elders
anyways. And she told us she would like to have us still come instead
of them. 😊 but we are still going through the restoration with her
because of a huge language barrier. She speaks very very little
English. We are trying to teach her a little English by going through
the resto pamphlet both in Romanian and then in English.
So this week was another good one. Transfers are coming either on the
15 or the 16, and it's so sad to see my companion starting to pack. I
feel like there's not enough time with her to accomplish the miracles
I'm pretty sure we can do together.
I love you!
Sister Wadsworth 😊
Luca is one cool kid😎

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