Sunday, March 20, 2016
Hi Everyone!
This has been a pretty crazy week with a lot of surprises and miracles and blessings. :) We have had some really great spiritual expericences as well as some that will always make us laugh...
For the spiritual side, I have applied what it means to be bold with love, and challeging a less active to go back to the temple and be sealed for her parents and then feeling the spirit in her home was so great. We also got to have a baptism this week, though we had to stop counting it in our numbers because its technically a ward baptism. but it has been so good to have a less active family start coming to church again, and then to make the decison to work towards the temple as well has been another incredible experience. I love the gospel.
for the funny part of the week, we were buying some chippy to eat with a less active, and sister francis asked for some "chips and meat" but she got some "chips and mint" back.. and I jsut asked for the same, so we got a whole lot of chips with mint sauce and we had to explain and it never would have happened if we had just waited 5 minutes and gone to our ususal chippy... patience is a virtue. though the chips werent that gross, they were still eatable thankfully. :)
For the surprising part of the week: Im being transferred! Im going to Cannock and serving with sister woolsey. since they have changed dodge night to saturday and transfers to tuesday, I get to tell you before I leave. It was a surprise, since sister francis is going home, and we thought I would probably be staying one more. But I guess not! I'm exticed to get to know the members in Cannock as much as I love the members in woodsetton. :) Even though is is literally the other side of wolverhampton...
the blessings that I have seen this week was seeing the chapel full! since we had a baptism, all of his family came to support him and it was such a good thing to see, and hopefully it planted some seeds that future missionaries can reap soon. :)
Love you all!
Sister Wadsworth
that picture of benson made me laugh so much, though I agree that its sad. when you are in the service of others, your own problems seem to go away. I got to go to sharing time again this sunday, and I love hearing the primary songs again. they will always be some of my favorite songs. last sunday, not this sunday, was mothers day here in the uk, and it was so weird to have people passing around flowers when it wasnt even time to think about that.. but Im glad american mothers day is closer to my birthday because that will be the biggest present ever. :) and if you could send me some of the potental canker sores, I would love you! they dont have those here.... I hope Jacques hand is alright. and that nobody else feels poorly this week.
:)1) Saying goodbye to Diana.
2) telling sister Francis that in 9 months she'll be married with a baby.
Dear Rachel, and Chelsey,
How do we get back to Sunday so fast? I swear that I just wrote yesterday, and here I am again. I could probably just copy last weeks letter and it would work for this week. Not much different.
I think we are all finally over the sicknesses. Reiko was back last week, and no one else has come down with it. Cross your fingers, and say your prayers. It has been a bad year for the sicknesses.
Play practice was all over the place. Some days right after school, and some days late. But costumes are done, it wasn't a lot of sewing this year, which was nice. The kids have pulled it together (mostly). I think it will be good. By the last night, they should have it down!
The boys had a track meet Friday. Benson hurt his ankle on his first jump, and was done for the day. And Jacques managed to step on his own hand with his spikes and from his story, there was a LOT of blood. He says he did pretty good placed 5 or 6th or something. I never know what to believe, though. His pretty good and my pretty good, are sometimes different.
Ally, Natty, and I got to spend a nice quiet day at home. It was Natty's birthday, but we didn't do anything very exciting. We did play hide and seek. That was our excitement.
Saturday was play practice all day.
Funny story: It is the Young Men's turn to clean the church this month. Jacques stayed in Pioche at Camden's house after play practice, but Benson was at home. Dann came by to pick up boys to help, but Benson did NOT want to go. Begging, bribing, threatening, nothing was going to get him to go. Not ever brute force. He was hanging onto the door and wall. It was funny, but also sad that he wasn't willing to help.
He has been very grumpy and mean lately. If a large box shows up, it might be Benson shipped to you.
It was good to go to church today. It always is after missing a week. I love being in Primary and doing the singing. Sometimes the spirit is there so strong just from the kids singing, and I love that feeling. Music is such a good way to share my testimony.
Chelsey and Cami were able to skype with us on Natty's birthday. Not together, but one right after the other. Chelsey, it feels like you are just in Twin Falls most of the time. Once you got settled in, I haven't been worried about you hardly at all. I guess my "mom nerves" have settled down. I
The play is next week, then Ally goes to Reno for Poetry Out Loud. And after that it will be Spring Break. Jacques and Ally will be in Reno for FFA during the break, so I don't know what we are going to do. Benson will more than likely find somewhere to be , so Natty and I will be here alone. I might just bore her to death someday.
I guess that's about it. I love to get your letters. I will forward Chelsey's again. or Chelsey, you could just sendRachel a copy. Whatever works.
I love you both. Be safe.
ps chelsey, can you get on over there? all the primary songs are on there. You could also do the frog song or the ducks.

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