Monday, April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016
dear everyone,
this week has gone by so fast. it started with flat inspections and ended with transfer dodge. and there was lots inbetween, i'm sure, but I cant seem to remember all the details. :)
yup. so our flat is absolutely spotless. one of the senior couples in Birmingham came to make sure our flat was nice and spic and span (which it was) and when they left.... we kept going.. we even washed our couch cushions. (it was super gross. it went from dark green to light green).
on the missionary side of life though, its been a good week. three investigators came to cannock ward this week! two were ours and one was the elders' investigator (and her mom)..
it was one of the greatest feelings to see our investigator come through the doors on sunday morning. :) she only stayed for sacrament meeting, but she really enjoyed it. yay!! and she knows that being baptised is something that she needs to do. its been so great to know her and see how she had come so far in her relationship with god from reading the book of mormon everyday.
and for the end of the week- transfer news!! *drumroll please* we're both staying. its sister woolsey's last transfer, so I get to send both her and her trainer home. it will be fun.
also, I was reading in mormon this week, and i am always struck by how sad mormon is for his people. teardrops on the plates kind of thing. and how he eventually gave up hope that they would ever repent especially after all the chances that god gave them to turn to him. so his prayers had no faith anymore. it kind of struck me that that was the way I had been praying recently. that I needed to remember to have the faith behind my prayers. that these people are not as bad as the nephites were, and that if we have faith as we pray, then that's kind of the magic behind it.
so, I love you all! hope you have a good week. I'm excited for mothers day :)
sister Wadsworth
kelly wadsworth
Message body
what time do you want to skype at on sunday? and wednesday is definitely an english word because they have a lot of words that dont make any sense and you dont pronouce them like you would thing. like hednesford. and Gloucester. and others.
tell natty to just wait until the now your 18 trip because those pictures take the cake. :)
we havent had any big meetings so far, so no package yet. im still waiting. I should get it soon hopefully. :)
I'm sorry we all grew up. I never meant to. I tried really hard to stay 6 forever, but it didnt work. :)
and I havent emailed caitlyn know but if I still have time and she answers me back I'll keep you posted.
love you!
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 6:40 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Well, this has been another week. A good solid week. No one was sick. Nothing really happened. We are all still alive. Next week looks about the same. The days and weeks and months are starting to run together.
Sooooo, after that, you can't expect a great letter, can you?
Really, that was it.
Monday. Nice and calm. Only 3 extras. Benson gave the lesson in FHE. He did a good job. He doesn't argue nearly as much as he used to about it.
Tuesday. Ally stayed after school to work on her physics lab project. Or was that Wednesday? I had Ramon again. The boys had their Board of Review for Scouts. They are almost ready to do their Eagle projects.
Wednesday. Isn't that a weird word? Wed-nes-day. Jacques went to Vegas to the bodies exhibit. He had to be in Panaca by 6 am. Ugh. So after taking him down, I ccame home and took the rest to school. This was a lots of running around day. YW/YM Ally and Jacques missed it, this was the day Ally did her lab. Jacques got back from Vegas too late. It was combined. The Highway Patrol came and did the safe driving thing. They showed some videos that were pretty graphic. Natty did NOT like them. I did not like her describing them to me. DON'T text and drive!
Thursday. I was wiped out. But we all survived. The FFA banquet was that night. Good food. They are losing a lot of seniors this year.
Friday. Lazy day. Got Benson to Panaca by 10. Jacques was on grade check, so he didn't go. The wind blew like crazy again. Megan and Dave came to Grandma's house. Amber and Emery had a dance recital in St. George, and it was Megan's birthday. Natty spent the night with Ashlee and all day Saturday too. It was really weird here without here. I kept wondering where she had disappeared to, and then would remember she wasn't even home.
Saturday. Did the basic house cleaning. Went grocery shopping. Watered. You remember Saturdays at home. That's what we did.
Sunday. Went to church. Told Benson to turn off facebook during sacrament meeting. Had spaghetti for dinner. Watched Castle in the Sky. Went to Grandma's. Visited with Justin and Henry and Shawn.
Now, here I am. Trying to remember everything that happened. Where did the week go? I just did this last week.
So, now it is your turn. Fill us in. Chelsey, you haven't written this week. Skype doesn't count. When will you know if you can stay another term? Are you sure you can afford that. But is sounds great if you can.
Rachel, did you get your package? I ended up sending it priority, so it might make it for your birthday. We didn't wrap anything, so don't open it if it gets there early. You will love it!!!
How is the work going? Who are you teaching? What /how do you find people to teach? Did Caitlin write to you?
this is a pretty long letter for a boring week.
I will try to liven things up this next week, so I have something to write about. (Now I foresee a trip to the ER).
I love you lots. Both of you. And Cami too, if she reads this. I wish you were all little again, and we could all be here and play games, and sing, and just be together. But, you all insisted on growing up, so I guess that won't be happening any time soon.
Love you,
Monday, April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016
dear everyone.
this week was an exhausting one. President Leppard decided his missionaries weren't doing enough so he initiated a challenge week for the entire mission to compete against each other. mostly it was just getting us to try harder to reach the goals we should already be striving to reach, but man, it wore us out!
there were a few crazy things in it as well. like touching 10 cats, (i did not like that one at all..) taking selfies with strangers, etc.. and to throw more stress on it, we had exchanges this week as well! so I got to spend the day in nottingham. we did some finding that day with a recently returned sister missionary who served in st george, and it was kind of funny the way she just kept apologizing for the way the english are. but we are used to it- so its good!
what else happened this week? thats the question. oh, I gave a talk in church. it was about being anxiously engaged in a good cause, and right after I sat down, I realised that most people like to hear about the crazy stories I have about home tied in with the talk because that's what I expect out of the missionaries when they speak back home. oops. haha well, maybe the next time they ask me I'll remember. :)
I dont think that anything else really happened this week except the fact that I willingly touched two cats on Friday. and it also snowed one morning and then was really warm the rest of the day. I don't think I have the right to complain about Nevada weather anymore now that I've experienced England's. haha #usuallyraining
yup. so england is still wet, I'm still here and I love you all!
ta bit! cheers ducks :)
sister wadsworthππσΎͺ
kelly wadsworth
Message body
my package will probably get here late, and it reminds me that dad would probably like something for his birthday.... i'll work on that today.. actually, i havent gotten lost in a while and nottingham wont count because thats not my area anyways.
do you have any more news on Caitlyn? you really cant just drop something like that in an email and not give me more details about that one.
love you!
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:48 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Guess what? We made it through a whole week without anyone being sick!! It is so nice. Maybe we will all stay well now. I sure hope so.
So this was just a normal, boring week. (so nice) It was nice and cloudy all week, and it did snow a bit on Friday. The wind blew like crazy this weekend.
The boys had a track meet Friday, it was cold and windy. Neither one of them placed.
We got your dad off to work Friday, then had a nice peaceful day.
Saturday we cleaned. The boys both worked hard, without any arguing, because they wanted to go hang out with their friends. So we had another quiet, peaceful afternoon.
Church was really good today. Cody Christensen, the stake Sunday School Pres. and Greg Walker spoke. The YW had the musical number between them. Natty was so glad to be out of primary, and right off, they sing in sacrament meeting. And she got to help teach a lesson today.
That's really about it. I guess without anyone being sick, there isn't much to tell you.
Rachel, your birthday package will go in the mail tomorrow. Sorry it has taken me so long. I hope it gets there before your birthday, if not, you get the anticipation of it!
Chelsey, I think Eve is mailing your birthday card from Grandpa. Watch your mail.
So, since our lives are so boring, we need you two to liven them up. What is going on? Have you gotten lost lately? Met any new and strange people? Any good stories? Help us out. Natty says it is boring here.
Anyways, we all love you. Work hard and enjoy ALL of your experiences.
hpaich on
Monday, April 11, 2016
April 11, 2016
Dear everyone,
hope that your week was really good, though some of them sound crazy. mine was alright. like a typical englishman, I'm going to complain about the weather and say it rained a lot this week. actually- it hailed. and we were out in it both times that day! :( but there were also a few moments when the sun was out as well, so I cant complain too much.
there were a few testimony building experiances that I got to experiance this week, or just yesterday.
we were visiting a less active family with 7 kids (remind you of anyone, mom?) and like typical wadsworth luck, they had been having problems where everything just seems to break at once. so they finally got a new washing machine and when we were over it suddenly stopped working. first wash she ever did. so we tried to help. finally, we asked one of her boys to pray about it because he was the closest thing to the priesthood we had. so a few minutes later, the machine started working again. :) I love the power of prayer. :) its so cool. you can just pray about it and then see what happens.
another testimony builder was that we are teaching this couple, who are planning on being baptised into the church, though they need to do a few things before it can happen. it was my first time teaching them, becuase they have a habit of cancelling on us. but we shared some scriptures with them to try and answer one of their many many random questions, and we left their home later, with a bit of shaky peace and commiting them to pray about it. well, we went and visited their nan (who is a member, though doesnt come out due to health issues) later in the week, and she had given them some pretty solid advice when they had asked her about it. it was a relief to know that they have someone to turn to besides us who can give them some answers. we are also really going to try and better focus our next lesson and hope that we can do so much better! because we know that as we teach the doctrine, their questions will be answered. so we need to do that.
though I am sorry to tell you I am very far from perfect (but I suspect you already knew that) and that I am very happy to report to you that it is through Jesus Christ that miracles and conversion actually takes place. it would be a little awkward for someone to be converted to me, not the gospel...
so, yup. that was the most exciting thing happening this week. we are slowly working on getting people closer to baptism, because patience is one of many christlike attributes that is best to achieve before you come on a mission, because so so so much is required.
but I love you all and hope that you have a fantastic week and get to tell me all about it for next week :)
Sister Wadsworth
did you ever get the package I sent you? and yes I did get your email, but could you keep me updated every now and then on how much I still have left?but thank you so much for being my personal finace secretary for me. π I am so sorry you had to get up so early, I have to admit I had great joy in the fact that many people had to get up early this morning because their two week school break ended. we got to teach sharing time again, and got to sing do as Im doing with the primary kids. I still love primary, every time I go in there i still love it.
I do agree that the great wall of china sure does look like a girl swinging, but Chelsey might disagree with you. haha that puzzle.
its so weird to think that I am going to be 20 next month. It still feels a lot like I just left..
love you back!
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 5:52 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Looking back over last week, it doesn't seem like it was too bad. But, boy, it was rough getting through it at the time!
I guess going in to the week without recovering from the week before just made for a rough week to start with.
So . . .
Monday. Regular day. Just extremely tired from being sick the week before, and a crazy weekend.
Tuesday. Taryn and Ashton from 6:30 am to 5ish pm. Plus all the other regulars. And not feeling all that great. Looooong day!
Wednesday. Started normal, then we got your buddy Ramon for a few hours. He had a lot of fun, but trying to keep up with 2 2year olds (who can both open the front door and leave any time they feel like it) and Ramon, who has only been here a handful of times, and a baby, and Keldyn. That's a lot of stinky diapers (all except Keldyn were in diapers).
Thursday was blessedly peaceful and normal. Mostly.
Friday. We slept in. Yeah! Then did some cleaning, and then started raking weeds. That turned into burning weeds and raking most of the hill. I started, then got Ally and Natty to come help. Then Jacques came and helped. But when I was ready to quit, Jacques kept going, so then I felt bad leaving him, so I kept going too. I have such a blister on my hand from the rake. Ouch.
Saturday. Funny story. The boys had a track meet in Milford, UT. They told me they were leaving Panaca at 4 am. So we left here at 330 so they could get there to help load stuff. Only, when we got to Panaca, there was no one there. We passed the bus driver going to start the bus. They had the time wrong and weren't leaving until 4:30. Then when they got home, they said it was a rotten track meet, and totally not worth getting up so dang early.
But Natty and Ally and I enjoyed our boy-free day and got the house clean and mending done and all that good stuff.
It has been raining and overcast all weekend, I love it. I don't dare clean out the firewood, because it is supposed to be like this all week. And a slight chance of snow next Friday. Spring in Lincoln county.
Today was Fast Sunday. Bro. Lister talked about how he loved the weather and the hymn "There is sunshine in my soul" (Ithink it was that one). I wanted to go up and teach him my song. I am happy today for the sunshine. It seemed to fit better because we have sun and rain going on.
Then in Primary (jr) we were learning a song, but the kids were pretty restless, so we did the "Little Seeds Lay Fast Asleep" song. The Bishop walked in while we were singing, and he got down on the floor with the kids and grew into a wild flower. It was funny, and the kids loved it. Then he pulled up a chair and sang with them. I loved it too.
Dad was supposed to come home Friday, but he was able to get some extra work, so he stayed up for the weekend. So, Chelsey, I will deposit that money when he gets home.
Rachel, let me know if you got the email about your loan payments.
Natty finished her puzzle. After I messed it up trying to move it. she had to fix it like 3 times. The Great Wall of China looks a lot like a girl on a swing.
I still haven't finished my puzzle. Natty won't help me. It got put back in the bedroom, and now it's "out of sight, out of mind."
One very monumental thing has happened this week. Jacques has homework!! Mrs. Lee (Tia) finally got him. He has bragged so often about his time management skills and never having to bring any homework home, that it is quite funny to me! Poor Jacques.
The dance recital was this weekend. I don't think there were any Frehners in it. They all did dance team, but not classes. I will send you a picture of Remi that her mom put on facebook.
I can't think of anything else.
How are things in England and China? Chelsey, did you get your taxed filed? Rachel, I will either file yours, or file and extension and get them done later.
Rachel, we signed up to feed the missionaries on May 4th for your birthday. I will get a small package in the mail this week.
Tell us lots of details about what you are doing.
I love you. (both of you)
Monday, April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016
Dear Everyone,
this has been such a weird week.. between bible bashing and actually doing some tracting, and the sun shining, its just put us out of the swing of things. but I was super excited for the WAY spiritual experience of general conference to put me right back!
Just how did we get there though? that was a really big question weighing on sister woolsey's and my minds all week. most of the members here decided to watch it at home in their jammies.. and we could not find a lift there or back at all. the worst part is that the trains run differently on sunday, so we would end up waiting at the train station for an hour or two to get home. it was stressful. but *miracle* we went on saturday with a prayer that we would be able to make it in by 9, and we got there, (not really the problem) though an hour early.. the session was great. It is still weird to only watch on session on saturday night (the sat. morning session) and thankfully it ended a bit early and we left straightaway and walked to the train station- if we had been even a minute later, there would have been no train for another hour. we made it home just fine and on time. :)
Getting there sunday was the worst part. we did end up waiting for a train for an hour when we had to change, but there was no rush and we still were way early for the sat. afternoon session. but this time the church was unlocked from the priesthood session. sunday was great. and during the last session we were able to watch (sunday morning) some of the members from our ward offered us a lift home! it was the miracle we had been praying for and what we had been stressing out about all week. so, miralces happen, prayers are answered and We go to listen to ALL of general conference (well, most of it.. they dont show the last session because of the time difference)!!! and be uplifted by the words of our living and breathing prophet on the earth today. it was great.
other highlights of the week were some other miracles like the miracles of allergy pills at dinner appointments. and that one of the less actives we are working with is excited to do missionary work! now if only we could get him to church....
I love the gospel, I love what it teaches and that we as people can live for better tomorrows because of it. :) its so amazing. and I loved listening to the prophets and apostles speak and my favorite speaker was the Holy ghost because He was the one doing all of the teaching.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! and do something fun like eat some tacos or ice cream, or even chocolate and sing frozen songs at the top of your lungs because I love all of those things. :) do something to make you happy because i love you and you deserve it. :)
sister wadsworth
Dear mom,
I'll let you know when I meet the other sister wadsworth. transfers are weird now so it could be a while. but I will take a picture of elder halverson and I just for you because we're serving in the same ward! the first time you mentioned it, I thought I would probably never actually meet the greenie, (even though he is not training anymore, he still is green) but here I am, and so your prayers have been answered. haha
love you loads!
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 6:23 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Did you get any good April Fool's jokes? The only good one I heard about was on Facebook. It was an LDS magazine or something. They announced a 6th session of conference for Sunday evening. There was another one that announced a temple in Disneyland, but it wasn't as believable. Grandpa Frehner didn't even get us this year.
So how has your week been? I hope you had a better one than I did. After working on Monday, I ended up sick, sick, sick. I think it was the actual flu that people get the flu shot for. Oh, it was no fun at all. Then Wednesday afternoon, it was like someone flipped a switch, and poof! I felt better. So weird.
So I got to take Tuesday and Wednesday off. Natty had half days on Wed. and Thursday. I told Keldyn last week that he would get to play with Natty, and he was sooooo excited! I was really hoping that I would be better so he could get at least one day to play with her. Natty rode home with Grandma on Thursday, and there was much rejoicing when she got here. Then since I didn't have Reiko, and didn't have to run down to Panaca, Remi got to come out and play with Natty too. The little kids sure love her.
Natty got to go to her first official Wednesday night Young Womens' at the church. Ally taught about Family history, and now Natty is excited to get started on hers. Except that she signed up for her lds account, and now can't remember her username and password.
Friday that boys had a trackmeet in Boulder City. They left at 9 in the morning, and didn't get home until 4 am. ShaRee offered to bring them home. I love ShaRee!!
Natty had her orthodontist appt. Friday morning after we dropped the boys off. She got green and teal. When we got home, we just had a relaxing day. A little mending and sweeping. Natty mowed the one little lawn. We are pretty boring, remember.
Saturday was Jr/Sr Prom. Ally went with Andrew Hansen, and Jacques took Josee Burgess. They were in the same group with Jesse and Derek and Asia. Jacques hasn't said much (does he ever?), but Ally said she had fun. Dad was here to be her escort for the promenade. The Jr's didn't do the promenade, so I was off the hook. You should be home next year, Rachel, so I hope you will be Jacques' escort, and I don't have to.
We had a birthday/adoption day party for Pants on Thursday. Can you believe it's been a year? Can you believe she is still alive? I had my doubts when we brought her home, but she belongs now.
Saturday we watched conference. I started a puzzle, but then Natty started her own. she is doing the one Kelsey gave you. Neither of us finished, but Natty got more done than me.
We all watched together today. I think everyone mostly stayed awake. Even the boys. Even dad! We had biscuits and gravy between sessions.
Dad just left for work, and everyone else is going to bed. Next week should be a little easier. No more prom stress. I hope everyone stays healthy. Back to normal.
I will send the pics from the prom. and forward Chelsey's letters.
Have you met the other Sister Wadsworth yet? That is so funny that there are two of you in the same mission. If you ever run into the red headed missionary that looks like Andrew, can you get a picture with him?
Chelsey, have you met anyone over there that you know, or that knows someone you know? It's so funny that we meet people all over the world that way.
Anyway, I had better get some sleep. I love you. You are on my list of heroes. Just thought you'd like to know that.
hpaich on
Sunday, April 3, 2016
March 28, 2016
Dear mom,
This has been a pretty interesting week. And by week I mean Friday, and by interesting, I mean crazy. But I'm at least glad that it was all in one day and it was a bit of a testimony builder. Haha anyways, we just met a crazy lady who yelled at us in the street and on our way back (thou we will now avoid that corner like the plague..) we met someone who just wanted to bible bash. The spirit wasn't there at all and we just politely listened to him talk, and later I read one of the chapters he had mentioned (Romans 8 is now a favourite..) and it was talking about all the things that he had been trying to disprove! It only goes to show that you can't really trust those newfangled modernised scriptures, can you?
Another great thing from this week, at least the beginning, was that it felt like spring! It was so warm this week and this morning we woke up and it was snowing outside. If you want to make friends with anyone quickly, all you need to do is to complain about the weather..
Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to watch the general women's session, it's the second time I've missed it because I didn't watch it in the mtc either. We can't even find a ride to Lichfield, the stake centre, for conference and we might end up watching it in members homes.
My Easter was great, though we didn't get any twice baked potatoes. ππ but we dd make ourselves a lovely roast dinner. With apple crumble for pudding. And Easter eggs. π°π°π£ it's nice to have a companion who loves to cook, though there is also the downside that we end up eating a lot...
I'm really mad at Caitlin now for not telling me about this life changing decision. It's not ok.
And my companion is great. She's from Utah, she really loves trucks and want to be a mechanical engineer or something.. She wants to rock crawl and then be able to fix the trucks she smashes up doing it.. But at the same time, she loves baking and crafts and kinder surprise eggs too. I keep telling her she would make a really great "I'm a Mormon" profile. π
Sorry you didn't get any pictures last week, we email at the library so it's on computers instead of the iPads. But since today is a bank holiday and everything is shut we came to the chapel.
Yup. So this week was really good, I loved Easter and especially learning and focusing on the atonement this week. I came to the realisation that Christ did not only what he did to take our pains and trials away from us, but also so that he can know how to support us through all of those things that we go through in life. I love it. I know it.
Sister Rachel Wadsworth π
Sent from my iPad
This mornings snow, Thursday's blizzard (not quite) , and last week when it was Spring.

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