Monday, April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016
dear everyone.
this week was an exhausting one. President Leppard decided his missionaries weren't doing enough so he initiated a challenge week for the entire mission to compete against each other. mostly it was just getting us to try harder to reach the goals we should already be striving to reach, but man, it wore us out!
there were a few crazy things in it as well. like touching 10 cats, (i did not like that one at all..) taking selfies with strangers, etc.. and to throw more stress on it, we had exchanges this week as well! so I got to spend the day in nottingham. we did some finding that day with a recently returned sister missionary who served in st george, and it was kind of funny the way she just kept apologizing for the way the english are. but we are used to it- so its good!
what else happened this week? thats the question. oh, I gave a talk in church. it was about being anxiously engaged in a good cause, and right after I sat down, I realised that most people like to hear about the crazy stories I have about home tied in with the talk because that's what I expect out of the missionaries when they speak back home. oops. haha well, maybe the next time they ask me I'll remember. :)
I dont think that anything else really happened this week except the fact that I willingly touched two cats on Friday. and it also snowed one morning and then was really warm the rest of the day. I don't think I have the right to complain about Nevada weather anymore now that I've experienced England's. haha #usuallyraining
yup. so england is still wet, I'm still here and I love you all!
ta bit! cheers ducks :)
sister wadsworth😆😘󾓪
kelly wadsworth
Message body
my package will probably get here late, and it reminds me that dad would probably like something for his birthday.... i'll work on that today.. actually, i havent gotten lost in a while and nottingham wont count because thats not my area anyways.
do you have any more news on Caitlyn? you really cant just drop something like that in an email and not give me more details about that one.
love you!
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 5:48 AM, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel and Chelsey,
Guess what? We made it through a whole week without anyone being sick!! It is so nice. Maybe we will all stay well now. I sure hope so.
So this was just a normal, boring week. (so nice) It was nice and cloudy all week, and it did snow a bit on Friday. The wind blew like crazy this weekend.
The boys had a track meet Friday, it was cold and windy. Neither one of them placed.
We got your dad off to work Friday, then had a nice peaceful day.
Saturday we cleaned. The boys both worked hard, without any arguing, because they wanted to go hang out with their friends. So we had another quiet, peaceful afternoon.
Church was really good today. Cody Christensen, the stake Sunday School Pres. and Greg Walker spoke. The YW had the musical number between them. Natty was so glad to be out of primary, and right off, they sing in sacrament meeting. And she got to help teach a lesson today.
That's really about it. I guess without anyone being sick, there isn't much to tell you.
Rachel, your birthday package will go in the mail tomorrow. Sorry it has taken me so long. I hope it gets there before your birthday, if not, you get the anticipation of it!
Chelsey, I think Eve is mailing your birthday card from Grandpa. Watch your mail.
So, since our lives are so boring, we need you two to liven them up. What is going on? Have you gotten lost lately? Met any new and strange people? Any good stories? Help us out. Natty says it is boring here.
Anyways, we all love you. Work hard and enjoy ALL of your experiences.
hpaich on
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