Monday, May 30, 2016
May 30, 2016
It's been so long I forgot.
1) Gatorade!!
2) badge in blossoms
3) found these ducks trying to cross the road.

Dear everyone,
Well dodge night was last night, and as expected, sister Woolsey is still going home. :) but very unexpectedly Cannock a is closing down! Actually there's not going to be any missionaries in Cannock for a few weeks.. Weird. Why is this happening to me again?!
I am goin to be spending a few weeks in de Montfort with sister Jones and then I will be in a trio in Stamford.
Wait what. Yup. So last minute its packing AND cleaning the flat. Fun. And calling all the members in Cannock to tell them good bye.
Other than that wonderful surprise last night, our week has actually been really good. We achieved a lot this week, and by the end of it we were actually wondering where all of these numbers came from... It was from our hard work the week before and at the beginning, and then I think it finally hit sister Woolsey that she was going home, and we kind of just were astounded at all we had done.
And now we are leaving it all behind... So sad. Sometimes we just work so hard and a certain investigator had received revelation that he really really shouldn't wait anymore to be baptised.. And also a few miracles concerning some people who hadn't been to church in over ten years. (Watch for some dunns in the olympics) And now this.
But it's good. The spirit of the Lord has called me another way. Haha. This area has taught me so much and I have really loved it -although sometimes I did really hate that one hill we walked up everyday..
Yup. Another thing I have learned form this week (besides not telling people you are going to be staying before the dodge call comes) is about humility. I have been learning about the dangers of pride my whole mission, but I think I finally got a taste of what humility actually is while In Cannock.
Love you all, and hope your week will be a lot less stressful than mine is going to be!
Cheers ducks!
Sister Wadsworth 😀🇬🇧
I'm so glad you survived. Now half of your kids have officially grown up. I just got ally's graduation announcement today in the mail. It was cute. It also sounds like you partied hard this week. Sorry I don't have a lot of time today. We have to be in Birmingham twice in two days. 😬😠😑😩
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On 30 May 2016, at 06:12, kelly wadsworth wrote:
Dear Rachel, Chelsey, but not Cami cuz she's home.
So we have survived. I think. Ally is packing for the senior trip, and is leaving at 1 in the morning, but after that, we should have a calm(er) week.
So, Monday, as usual, was nice and quiet. Benson taught the lesson in FHE.
Tuesday Natty's class had a kickball game against the parents. I took my load of kids down and watched, but didn't play. I had Traci Poulsons girls and all my boys, so it was safer to keep an eye on them. That was the day of kindergarten graduation in Panaca. It was so neat that the seniors went in cap and gowns and escorted them to the auditorium. I will try to find a picture for you.
Wednesday. Hmmm. babysat. took kids to Yw/ym. came home. I think there was ice cream somewhere in there. It was a little sad, because it was my last day babysitting. I gathered up all the baby stuff and leftover diapers and wipes, and sent it all home with the kids. Remi and Keldyn will be coming most of the summer. Full time for the first 2 weeks, then just a couple days a week after that. Taryn and Ashton will be coming on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Thursday I was supposed to take the kids to school then head over to Cedar to pick up Cami. but. Her bus was late, and so she got on another bus that got her here 12 hours later than she planned. So I had a nice quiet day at home. Ally and Natty were home around noon, then we finally got so bored that we decided to go to Cedar and wait for Cami. It was a lot more fun than sitting here at home and waiting. We did some shopping and eating. Cami got there about 10;30 and we got home about midnight.
Friday we spent a lazy morning, then headed down to Panaca for graduation. We hit Asia's get to gether for a few minutes before graduation, then went and found seats. It was packed. Someday we will have the forsight to have someone save us seats. Matt and Jule were there ahead of us and we sat by them. It was a good graduation. Asia was valedictorian and Jesse Mathews salutatorian. The both gave good talks, nice and short. Sherrin McHenry was the guest speaker. Hers was good too. After graduation, we went to Emma's get-together. Pearson's had tacos at the fire hall afterwards. Then we went home. Jesse had a party at his house that the kids went to for a little while. Jacques stayed the longest. I finally went to bed and didn't even hear him come home at 3.
Saturday was temple day for Cami. We left here at 9ish. You've both been there, and her day was just like yours. At least on my side of it. I'm sure she wrote and told you about it. Afterwards, we visited with her friends for a little while, then went to DQ and headed home. It was agood day.
Jesse went through the temple that same day, but at a later session, so we saw a lot of Mathews' there.
Today was nice and quiet. It was 5th Sunday, so it was pretty relaxed in primary. Sharing time was a game, and then we did a game for singing time,too. The kids loved it. There was a fireside in Alamo this evening. Ally, Natty, and the boys all went. Cami and I and Dad were home all alone together. We are pretty boring. But you knew that. We went to Grandma's and Grandpa's for a little while then came home. Now dad is getting ready to leave for work. He is almost ready and it is only 10 o'clock.
I guess that's about it. Tomorrow is Memorial Day, so we will go visit the cemetery and put flowers on graves.
Kade and Tia have some trees that we are going to dig up and bring home. Other than that, I don't think I will have any extras. Just need to get Ally down for her trip.
I forgot to tell you last week that Relief Society was reorganized. Delanie Cole is the new president, and Alyson Hammond one of her counselors. I think Kendra Poulsen is in there too.
So, I guess I will go. I still need to find the pictures I want to send.
I love you and pray for you every day. Multiple times a day. Be good and be careful. Have a good transfer day, Rachel!
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