Dear everyone,
so, here i sit again. wondering what happened to me this past week that is email worthy? well... let me tell you.. its been a good week. :)
we were able to teach so many people this week, which was amazing (because most missionaries consider this a pretty dead area..) but we did it! and had members at them too! (granted they were all less active, but it was still really good to see) yup. we've been stopping by so many people on the branch list that happened to have non member family there too! its been great. although, that sad part is that we STILL dont have any new investigators to continue teaching, but plenty of people to keep visiting!
we even had some pretty amazing lessons this week too.
the highlights were to be able to teach one of our investigators who has been through some pretty rough times the plan of salvation. and then having the lesson in church be about her concerns! it was amazing for me to see (though she didn't come to church.. :( but it was still good for me to know that the chapter we left her to read was exactly what she needed)
other highlights are that we were able to teach our investigator on a date twice this week! Emma is getting baptised in the first week of September, i'm so excited. she's nine, and so shy. I also find it really ironic that once our ward mission leader goes on holiday to Germany for a month, things start picking up a bit.
the weirdest thing that happened to me this week was we were out tracting, and we interrupted these two old ladies' fish and chips. their door was open, so knocking was weird, then sister mwoyosvi yelled a hello a couple of times.. and we were suddenly standing in these ladies' front room teaching them the restoration. one of those moments when you walk away thinking "what just happened?" I actually get a lot of those. you'd think I'd be used to them by now. :)
training is still a lot of fun. the hardest thing I'm finding is that i need to remember to explain things to my poor girl. I just kind of throw her to the wolves some days. whoops. so I'm working on my communication skills.
we jam a lot to shona music. its great. I cant understand any of it, but i know its talking about jesus. :) haha. my girl is so great! we are seeing so many miracle together that i'm not sure what's going on, but i'm not complaining! I was really sad though to be there for her first agnostic argument... some people just like to argue. they dont care that god loves them. :( I think its been a huge culture shock for her from Zimbabwe where the church is growing so much!
love you all! sorry you just need to get used to my horrid emails!
love, xx
1) honey comb!!
2) our pizza night
3) she was so happy to see African food.
4) district donuts
2) our pizza night
3) she was so happy to see African food.
4) district donuts
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