I hope you're okay, I'm sister mwoyosvi from Zimbabwe,obviously you
heard about me , I'm happy to write you and to tell you how much I'm
grateful for being with your wonderful well raised daughter, sister
Wadsworth, she is amazing, she's Calm , she is lovely and hard
working. I enjoyed her company since I joined this mission, and I am
still she has been a good trainer and mother (that is mission language
😀😀) , we are enjoying being in Stamford, and I'm hoping to stay
another transfer with her , I love my mission mam sister Wadsworth,
and I feel comfortable around her , .....thank you very much for
raising her well.....to me you are my grandma,because I am your
child's daughter in fact the first one to be trained by her , I feel
so special for that....love you lots, have a great week....
Monday, September 26, 2016
September 26, 2016
Hello everyone. Much love to all of you. ❤️❤️
So this week does not have the best of news... But I do think there is
a great scripture that sums it up nicely:
Alma 26:
30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that
perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed
that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving
31 Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and
are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can
witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their
brethren and also towards us.
Yup. That just about sums it up. So, if you haven't guessed already...
I didn't pass my test. 😢 nope. Although my prayers were still
answered in that I was nowhere near as stressed or nervous as I was
But the miracle actually happened the day after.
We got back from Nottingham late and decided to try to bus (a slow
method of travel in Stamford area) to try to get to Bourne. We never
decided what we were going to do there, but we were going to go.
#faithfindinganyone? (also it was late and we had and a long day)
We sat at the small bus station waiting, talking to a few people whose
buses came and went, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. But our
own bus never showed up. Discouraged, we started walking. Talking to
the people on our way. Our feet (led by the spirit) took us to a
street where we maybe didn't convert thousands of lama it's like Ammon
and his brethren, but we DID find enough friendly people to make our
day a complete miracle.
God is in the details of our lives. He know my struggles (and right
now it seems many...) and He definitely knows each of yours. And, like
I explained to someone that day, we need trials to understand how we
can be happier. Opposition in all things..
Even though we seem to be stuck in a place that has had missionaries
working it since the dawn of time, (we just had a celebration of sorts
for 50 of missionaries being in Stamford. Along with the primary
program- best sacrament meeting of the year) we are working on it. We
can figure things out, and if not, we'll have met the good people we
were supposed to as we are trying to.
Much love, peace and blessings and all that, ❤️❤️🇬🇧✌️
Sister Wadsworth 😊😊❤️
1) cool picture
2) me!! Right now today because I have no other pictures to send you.
Hi mom!! I love you.
On 26 Sep 2016, at 06:47, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
So this week does not have the best of news... But I do think there is
a great scripture that sums it up nicely:
Alma 26:
30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that
perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed
that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving
31 Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and
are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can
witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their
brethren and also towards us.
Yup. That just about sums it up. So, if you haven't guessed already...
I didn't pass my test. 😢 nope. Although my prayers were still
answered in that I was nowhere near as stressed or nervous as I was
But the miracle actually happened the day after.
We got back from Nottingham late and decided to try to bus (a slow
method of travel in Stamford area) to try to get to Bourne. We never
decided what we were going to do there, but we were going to go.
#faithfindinganyone? (also it was late and we had and a long day)
We sat at the small bus station waiting, talking to a few people whose
buses came and went, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. But our
own bus never showed up. Discouraged, we started walking. Talking to
the people on our way. Our feet (led by the spirit) took us to a
street where we maybe didn't convert thousands of lama it's like Ammon
and his brethren, but we DID find enough friendly people to make our
day a complete miracle.
God is in the details of our lives. He know my struggles (and right
now it seems many...) and He definitely knows each of yours. And, like
I explained to someone that day, we need trials to understand how we
can be happier. Opposition in all things..
Even though we seem to be stuck in a place that has had missionaries
working it since the dawn of time, (we just had a celebration of sorts
for 50 of missionaries being in Stamford. Along with the primary
program- best sacrament meeting of the year) we are working on it. We
can figure things out, and if not, we'll have met the good people we
were supposed to as we are trying to.
Much love, peace and blessings and all that, ❤️❤️🇬🇧✌️
Sister Wadsworth 😊😊❤️
1) cool picture
2) me!! Right now today because I have no other pictures to send you.
Hi mom!! I love you.
Sounds like natty and Chelsey had a lot of fun at the byu game and stuff. I loved the pictures, natty is growing up so much!
England is getting colder but we haven't been rained on too much so it's still good.
Lots of love. ❤️❤️❤️
Sent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad
On 26 Sep 2016, at 06:47, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel, Cami, and Ally,Here we are together, together, together. Oh, here we are together, writing a letter!sorry. that was in my head, so I had to share and get it into your heads too! You're welcome.So. It has been another week. Same ol', same ol'. Reiko hasn't been feeling well, so it has been a little rougher than normal. Hopefully this week will be better.Monday we finally got the boys social security cards changed to their new names. As soon as the new cards come, I think we will be able to go get them driving permits.Jacques had a football game on Thursday. I sent pictures. We won 32-0. Usually with a score like that, the game is pretty boring, but this one was a really good game. Jacques had some good blocks, and a blocked punt that they ran back in for a touch down.Natty played in the pep band. she had been looking forward to it all week. She really seems to like middle school.Friday morning everyone left. Even me. Benson went to work. Chelsey and Natty went to Provo/Salt Lake for Women's conference. And Jacques went to Lake Powell with the scouts. I went pine nut picking with Grandma and Grandpa and Teri.There are tons of pine nuts this year. We picked for about 3 hours and filled 3 ice cream buckets. I had more fun being out in the mountains with my family. I am so sore, though, that I moan and groan every time I have to get up or bend over. (People shouldn't climb trees at my age) I think we are going again in a week or two.Chelsey and Natty had a lot of fun on their trip. They went to a BYU volleyball game. Natty said that was her favorite part of the trip. They got to meet the team and get their autographs. she bought a little cougar, too. They did baptisms at the Provo city center temple, too. It sounded to me like the Beehives on the trip had a crazy good time. They all went in one car, and all the older girls rode in another. they didn't get home til 1:30 in the morning. we are all a little tired today.Jacques had fun on his trip. They tried to make a water slide down the beach, but I guess it didn't work so well. He made it home about an hour before the girls did.Benson and I had a good old time here at home. When I got home from the mountain, he was on the floor in front of the fireplace with a fire going. It wasn't that cold, he just decided that he really wanted a fire. I've always said that he was meant to be an only child. He is so easy to get along with one on one. He even helped me with the dishes WITHOUT arguing!This is your dad's week off, but he is staying up in Ely. He is driving truck for AGL on his days off, trying to get some bills caught up. He will be home Wednesday, then have to go back to work at the mine on Friday.Chelsey is getting ready to go back up to Twin Falls. She is applying for a sub license in Idaho. I'm sure she will write and tell you all about it.I just talked to Ally, and she sounds so much happier this week. It is so hard to be so far away from anyone that you know. Good job, Ally!I'm pretty sure Cami is still alive. I haven't talked to her this week. I did see a picture on facebook that looked pretty recent.So, how are things in England? did you ever pass your driver's test? Is it getting cold? I want to get your Christmas package going, is there anything you need/want?How about funny stories, or miracles, or weird food you had to eat? Do you still get lost on occasion?Are you teaching anyone? Tell us all . . . .Ally, you can email me too . . .Cami, I know you have a new computer. Let's hear from you, too.I love you. You girls are so strong, I don't need super heroes, I just look at you. Keep it up.Love you,Mom
Monday, September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016 Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
Well, its been a whole year, and honestly, its probably been the best year of my life. :) When I left did I think I was going to learn and grow- yes. did I know how and why- not really. this past year has taught me so much more about Jesus Christ that I could have imagined and I am so grateful for it. :) I'm also grateful for the wonderful people in my life that have led me to be here today.

this week has been a bit slow though. its one of those moments where you suddenly find yourself with no one to really teach and now no way to get there. (haha. according to sister mwoyosvi, our car is "taking a rest") at least until thursday. yup. so lots of walking this week- i think its a good eye opener for my little greenie who's been so spoiled in this car. :)
i dont really know what else to say, we didnt even celebrate my year mark. but our theme this week has been to just forget yourself and go to work. it started when I looked at what I was wearing one day and really questioned what I was thinking that morning. :)
other highlights: south African creme soda is the best because it is bright lime green. always offer service to the people you meet on the street, and the English do not really know how to make pumpkin pie- although the effort was appreciated.
our thoughts we have been sharing this week have been in alma 62:41. the Mormon message, "your potential your privileges" and an excerpt from elder holland's talk about tomorrows. (if these members ever get together and discuss what we share with them, we are in trouble!)
I love you all, and wish you the best week! and dont forget to forget yourself!
love, xx
-Sister Wadsworth :)
pictures- close enough!! (sorry its all your getting this week)
Hi mom. I'm doing good. Sis mwoyosvi and I are having a lot of fun, although I do think I am getting transferred next time. Transfers aren't until the middle of October though so there is still a lot of time left for us to be together. 😊 for right now, I'm just going to train sister m, although if they call me to train I will do it again. But usually it's just one time.
Winter is coming, but it's taking its time. And my boots will work just fine for one more winter.
Love you so much and miss you too!!
Sent from my iPad
On 19 Sep 2016, at 06:40, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear girls,
So another week goes by. Did anything happen? Not really. But I will tell you about our week.
Monday was just Reiko and me for the morning. Nice and quiet. Jacques did the FHE lesson. It was on faith.
Tuesday was back to normal.
Wednesday was quiet, too. Chelsey took the car to Institute, so the kids bummed a ride home from YW/YM with Derek. (I love Derek).
Thursday. I had a full house. Reiko, Ryder, Kacie, and Paislee. It wasn't too bad. Just a little on the wild side!
The boys stayed late in town. We had popcorn and a movie. Actually, Natty and Chelsey are watching Avatar.
Friday. Benson went to work at 7. Chelsey left for work at 7:30 (she borrowed Grandma's car). The rest of us just took it easy for a while. Jacques left for his game and I had a dr. appointment that afternoon. (Are you dizzy yet?) I stopped at the store on the way home to buy food, and then headed home. Benson got home from work before I even left for Caliente. They ran out of things to do at work, so they called it a day. We listened to Jacques game while a movie was on, but eventually it was just me listening. I was just annoying everyone else with it. They won 36-0. Jacques is #71 in the picture. The game didn't even start til 7 and ended about 9:30, then the drive from Vegas. It was 1 in the morning when we finally got to bed.
Saturday is a special day. It's the day we get ready for Sunday! We cleaned the bathroom, and swept the floor, we called it our get the work done day. We even cleaned out the garage so the car will stay warm. Jacques went to Panaca to help Casey with his Eagle project, Benson was at work. Your Dad was home, but resting. We got a lot done before we gave up and got lazy.
Today was a good day. Shawn and another guy spoke in Sacrament meeting. She talked about living without regrets. It was really good. Primary sang their little hearts out. We are going to be so ready for the program. I felt bad, though. I told Braxton that if he would sing, I would let him do my Praise to the Man box. He sang a little, but not really, so I chose someone else. He wasn't very happy with me. And I felt so bad.
Dinner was meatballs and gravy with REAL mashed potatoes! We haven't had real potatoes for so long. They are really good! I picked the Sound of Music for my movie today. I was scrolling through my facebook while Liesel sang about 16 going on 17 when I saw that the actress that played her died today. It was such a weird coincidence that I picked that movie, and it was during her song. so weird.
We went to Grandma and Grandpa's after the movie. Justin and Larissa were there. Then we came home and got your dad ready for work. He just now left at 10:25.
I talked to Cami and Ally today, too. Cami is really excited that Chelsey is moving back to Twin Falls. Ally is homesick. It's rough that she doesn't know anybody up there.
That's about it for us. Not much changes here. I have moved from jam to quilts now. I have a lot of people that want me to do t-shirt quilts. Reiko doesn't let me get a lot done during the day, but I will get my ;;; in gear on the weekends.
Rachel, how are you and Sister M???? doing? you guys look so fun in your pictures. Like you like each other and are having a lot of fun. Do you think you will be transfered next time? Or start training a new sister? How does being a trainer work? Do you just train 1, or more?Did you pass the test this time? Do you get enough to eat? Do you have enough warm clothes for the winter? Are your shoes holding out?
Well, I need to go close the windows because it is getting pretty cool (almost cold). We have one more day of 80's weather, then nice cool 70's for a while. YEAH!!!
I love you all. Hang in there, Ally!! You can do it.
I pray for you all, and you are always in my thoughts. Do good things!
Sunday, September 18, 2016
September 12, 2016
Greetings everyone!!
Sorry I don't think I will have a lot of time today. But this week has
been a mix of good and bad. The good news is that I am doing great and
still learning new things every day. The bad news is that since I
failed my driving test, sister mwoyosvi and I will be hoofin' it for
about a week before I can retake the test. I never thought I would not
be excited to hit my year mark, but when that day comes, life will get
so much harder.
Yup. This week I learned that I am way more like dad than I thought I
was. And sometimes my ideas are NOT good ones. Other highlights of
this week have been that..... I don't even know. It all kind of just
blends in with the weeks before it. Only men measure through time...
Other news, transfers have come and gone, our district now has three
sets of sisters with one set of elders. Weird, right?
Sorry for the short email is week. I literally just don't know what to say.
I love you all so much. Thank you for all that you have done and are
doing now. I'm grateful for the gospel and the infinite ways that it
can bless each and every person of they just apply it.
Sister Wadsworth 😊
I remember the act. It's a terrible test. Good luck!! That's exciting that you won the raffle!! And that's a lot of jam. I'm so happy I wasn't a part of it this year.
It's so hard to believe I only have six months left. That's so sad.
Love you so sososososo much mom!!
Sent from my iPad
On 12 Sep 2016, at 06:15, Kelly <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear girls,
Guess what? I bought a raffle ticket last week at the parade. Later that day, I got a text saying that I had won! $500 to Best Buy. Isn't that awesome!!!
I'm debating whether to use it now or save it for Christmas.
So after labor day, we made it through the week. Then on Friday was the Sadie's dance. Jacques went with Abby (Emma's cousin), and Benson went with Marcie Woodworth. They were both a little( or a lot) worried about whether they would have fun, but both came home happy.
Jacques is getting ready to do his Eagle project. Moving mine claim posts from blm land.
Saturday i finally finished all the jam. Over 350 jars this year. Oy Ve. I'm glad it is done. I'm seriously considering not selling it anymore.
Natty is having lots of bloody noses. Poor kid. She had one at church today.
I guess that is all our interesting news this week. I'm typing on my phone, because Benson has the laptop tied up. He is signing up for the ACT. Both boys will be taking it next month.
So tell us all that is going on. Cami and Ally can write back, too.
I love you all. I am looking forward to having everyone together again. 6 months to go.
Love you,
Sorry I don't think I will have a lot of time today. But this week has
been a mix of good and bad. The good news is that I am doing great and
still learning new things every day. The bad news is that since I
failed my driving test, sister mwoyosvi and I will be hoofin' it for
about a week before I can retake the test. I never thought I would not
be excited to hit my year mark, but when that day comes, life will get
so much harder.
Yup. This week I learned that I am way more like dad than I thought I
was. And sometimes my ideas are NOT good ones. Other highlights of
this week have been that..... I don't even know. It all kind of just
blends in with the weeks before it. Only men measure through time...
Other news, transfers have come and gone, our district now has three
sets of sisters with one set of elders. Weird, right?
Sorry for the short email is week. I literally just don't know what to say.
I love you all so much. Thank you for all that you have done and are
doing now. I'm grateful for the gospel and the infinite ways that it
can bless each and every person of they just apply it.
Sister Wadsworth 😊
I remember the act. It's a terrible test. Good luck!! That's exciting that you won the raffle!! And that's a lot of jam. I'm so happy I wasn't a part of it this year.
It's so hard to believe I only have six months left. That's so sad.
Love you so sososososo much mom!!
Sent from my iPad
On 12 Sep 2016, at 06:15, Kelly <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear girls,
Guess what? I bought a raffle ticket last week at the parade. Later that day, I got a text saying that I had won! $500 to Best Buy. Isn't that awesome!!!
I'm debating whether to use it now or save it for Christmas.
So after labor day, we made it through the week. Then on Friday was the Sadie's dance. Jacques went with Abby (Emma's cousin), and Benson went with Marcie Woodworth. They were both a little( or a lot) worried about whether they would have fun, but both came home happy.
Jacques is getting ready to do his Eagle project. Moving mine claim posts from blm land.
Saturday i finally finished all the jam. Over 350 jars this year. Oy Ve. I'm glad it is done. I'm seriously considering not selling it anymore.
Natty is having lots of bloody noses. Poor kid. She had one at church today.
I guess that is all our interesting news this week. I'm typing on my phone, because Benson has the laptop tied up. He is signing up for the ACT. Both boys will be taking it next month.
So tell us all that is going on. Cami and Ally can write back, too.
I love you all. I am looking forward to having everyone together again. 6 months to go.
Love you,
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Septermber 5, 2016
Hello everyone!!
This week has,.. Well been another week. Haha. Full of missionary
work. We were so optimistic about all these potentials we had,... And
they all flogged. 😢 but that's ok, they will get another chance to
hear the gospel one day. The highlight of this week was definitely
Emma's baptism. 😊😄 though also the most stressful because literally
everything went wrong. It started when sister mwoyosvi and I drove up
to Peterborough chapel (Stamford doesn't have a font) and found people
setting up a bouncy slide. It was for a birthday party someone didn't
want to have in the rain.
The next thing was that our district leader was late to come fill up
the font. So the baptism was about an hour later then planned. But it
was ok because everyone was stuck in traffic from some fancy horse
competition. And that's not all!! When the font was finally full
enough, it was too hot!! A few other things happened besides that as
well... So definitely one of the craziest weekend of my entire
mission, but the actual baptism went fine, she was baptised by her dad
😊 which was so so great, and Emma was so happy afterwards, (the
birthday party people even let the kids play on the slide)
And she was confirmed at church the next day ( though she is SO shy,
the priesthood holders had to come to the back of the room where she
was sitting.)
Also, miracles happened at church-- there was a senior couple serving
in the London mission, with two investigators who live in our area!!
How crazy!! The funniest part to me was I was fasting to be able to
find solid new investigators, and we walked through the doors and
there were these missionaries with new people! All I could think was
"that was fast."
Yup, so this week has taught me a few different things. One was
patience. I learn that a lot. Another was forgiveness. Mostly about
how forgiving others feels so good on both sides.
Love you all, hope you have a great week!!
Sister Wadsworth
This week has,.. Well been another week. Haha. Full of missionary
work. We were so optimistic about all these potentials we had,... And
they all flogged. 😢 but that's ok, they will get another chance to
hear the gospel one day. The highlight of this week was definitely
Emma's baptism. 😊😄 though also the most stressful because literally
everything went wrong. It started when sister mwoyosvi and I drove up
to Peterborough chapel (Stamford doesn't have a font) and found people
setting up a bouncy slide. It was for a birthday party someone didn't
want to have in the rain.
The next thing was that our district leader was late to come fill up
the font. So the baptism was about an hour later then planned. But it
was ok because everyone was stuck in traffic from some fancy horse
competition. And that's not all!! When the font was finally full
enough, it was too hot!! A few other things happened besides that as
well... So definitely one of the craziest weekend of my entire
mission, but the actual baptism went fine, she was baptised by her dad
😊 which was so so great, and Emma was so happy afterwards, (the
birthday party people even let the kids play on the slide)
And she was confirmed at church the next day ( though she is SO shy,
the priesthood holders had to come to the back of the room where she
was sitting.)
Also, miracles happened at church-- there was a senior couple serving
in the London mission, with two investigators who live in our area!!
How crazy!! The funniest part to me was I was fasting to be able to
find solid new investigators, and we walked through the doors and
there were these missionaries with new people! All I could think was
"that was fast."
Yup, so this week has taught me a few different things. One was
patience. I learn that a lot. Another was forgiveness. Mostly about
how forgiving others feels so good on both sides.
Love you all, hope you have a great week!!
Sister Wadsworth
- Rachel Ellen Wadsworth <rwadsworth@myldsmail.net>
- Sep 5 at 6:23 AM
- To
Message body
I can't believe everyone is growing up! Somehow I thought that everything would stay the same until I got home.
Love you sososososo much mom. Happy birthday!! You're the best.
Sent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad
Dear Rachel, Ally x and Cami,I hope the video of fireworks goes through. They were pretty good this year.I didn't get a picture of Amanda and Josh's little baby. His name is Gerald, and he is 9 months old. He is so cute. He is what Jacques or Benson would have looked like as babies. They don't know how long they will get to keep him, they are doing foster care.So back to the beginning of the week, so I don't forget anything.Monday was normal. Tuesday was back to school night at the high school. Jacques ordered his cap and gown! I can't believe he is a senior!!!Preschool started this week, so now we have that ever day. It's from 11:30 to 1, so Reiko and I just hang out in town, then we come home for an hour and then go back to drop everyone off. It's crazy, but that's our life.Thursday was extra crazy. I had Canon and Kacie after preschool. I was ready for that day to end.Friday we sent your dad off to work, then relaxed. I took a nap and still was in bed by 9;30.Saturday was yard sale day! We hit most of them and got some good deals. We met Teri and Kori. It was fun.Church today was packed. Primary wasn't quite as full as last year, but still lots of visitors. Mary Mathews Rogers blessed her baby, so there were lots of Mathews.It's been a little weird because Grandma and Grandpa have been gone this weekend. They went up to Albert and Jessica 's for Sam's baptism. They should be back for the parade VB tomorrow.It was my birthday on Wednesday, but it wasn't very exciting.I'm still working on peaches. I don't think freezing them was such a good plan. Now I can just put them off cuz they don't need to be done right away.Ally is doing good at UNR. At least she sounds good when we talk. She likes the roommates and the institute.Jacques had a football game on Thursday in wendover. They won. The game was good. He doesn't remember the score, but it was a lot to a little. Benson is better at details than Jacques <ic_list_undecided.png>.That's about it on our end. What's up across the ocean?Sister Wadsworth 's mom put the picture of you both on Facebook. I loved it! You were also in a couple of pictures another mother posted (zone conf I think).We love you! Keep working hard, and smile!!Love your guts,Mom
Saturday, September 3, 2016
August 29, 2016
bula vinaka everyone!
what a week it has been!
it started out with a trip to Birmingham (where the mission home is) and we also went to Coventry this week for exchanges. so, its been a pretty crazy week, because it ended with sister mwoyosvi's birthday! (the 28)
i was actually dreading this week, because believe it or not, there are so many people to visit here and this week we literally did not have enough time, because all of this travelling takes away the precious time we could have visited with these people, so this week we get to make up for that.
but exchanges was a lot of fun. I went with sister Gillette and we knows jordan and taylor. the stl's made sister mwoyosvi sadza (which i plan on making for you when I get home) and african food. our district also had sadza for sister mwoyosvi's birthday.
another fun/crazy thing that happened this week is that we have some new investigators (from Fiji, hence the Fiji greeting) and one of them's birthday was saturday, so we got the chance to celebrate his and my companion's together.
the funniest thing I have probably done this is show up to our dinner appointment an hour early. haha. whoops. we were coming back from coventry and just went straight there....and then looked at my planner. *note to self* always check planner first!
what I have learned this week: sometimes going and seeing your investigator who is going to be baptised next week (now this week!!) is more important than doing 12 weeks (the training program).. also, I am a really bad trainer. :) in the best way.
I have also learned about my own personal desire this week. like everything, if you want to do it, it tends to get done. and if you dont, well it still gets done it just takes a lot longer.
I was reading in judges this morning (the pages were still stuck together) about Gideon. it reminded me of the primary lesson mom gave back when i always snuck into her class. :) and there was a part that stuck out to me when some idol's altar got destroyed- and someone said something like if he's a god, he can avenge his own altar, let him plead for himself. and know just how many times Heavenly Father has done just that, letting you know that there was no way besides through Him that things worked out. :)
-Sister Wadsworth :)
1) african queen/ birthday girl
2) fiji swag
3) sadza with Peterborough district

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
i meant to say ely, england, uk. not ely NV. i just thought it was cool that there was 2 places named ely so far away and now I know people in both of them. tell scoop she cant die until I get home! and tell pants to go on a diet. :)
I say "ndokurova" back to Jacques.
I love you Mom!
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
Where should I start? Peaches or UNR? Peaches are nearly done. This year, I just cut up all the peaches and got them into the freezer, so there isn't any rush to get all the jam done right away. It was crazy gettin all 20 boxes done so fast, but it's worth it now.
So on Wednesday, after work, and after scouts and YW, Ally and I took off for Reno. We drove all night, and only had to stop once or twice to sleep. We got there about 7:30, and did some exploring and finding food. We were still early for her check in time, so we visited the institute, and then she went to get her ID (which she needed to check in). The institute is still the same as when I went to school. It was very de'ja'vue. Her dorm is right across the street from the institute.
It was crazy with people moving in. We were able to park in the institute parking lot and avoid some of the craziness, sot there are definite benefits to church membership. Her room is on the 5th floor, but there were tons of helpers there to help carry stuff, so it didn't take long to get everything moved in. She shares a room with 2 other girls, and so far she says they are all getting along. I hope it stays that way.
Ally had orientation, so I went to Walmart and Home Depot and got all her stuff she needed. I even picked out her computer for her. It was weird to do her school shopping without her. I got done about the time she had a break, so we unloaded all her new stuff, then she got a hug and went back to orientation, and I left. I've checked in on her and she seems to be doing ok. she and her roommates explored campus and found all their classes. She just needs to get her books and settle up her financial aid.
The drive home was pretty hairy. I had to stop and sleep 3 or 4 times. It took me 12 hours to do the 8 hour drive. Then I got to start in on jam.
In other news, all the kids at home are doing well. Natty still likes middles school. Benson is working hard on math and basketball. Jacques still avoids homework. Chelsey still working. Benson is working weekends (and he has the money spent 3 times over before he even gets paid).
Scoop is getting old. She looks like it hurts to walk. And she doesn't move very fast anymore.
Pants is getting fat. She is getting round, and even Natty admits it.
Jacques says "hi ."
I guess that's about it. Tell us all about your week. Dad wants to know who it was that you met from Ely. He and the bishop up there were trying to figure out who it could be.
We love you. Keep up the good work.
-Sister Wadsworth :)

what a week it has been!
it started out with a trip to Birmingham (where the mission home is) and we also went to Coventry this week for exchanges. so, its been a pretty crazy week, because it ended with sister mwoyosvi's birthday! (the 28)
i was actually dreading this week, because believe it or not, there are so many people to visit here and this week we literally did not have enough time, because all of this travelling takes away the precious time we could have visited with these people, so this week we get to make up for that.
but exchanges was a lot of fun. I went with sister Gillette and we knows jordan and taylor. the stl's made sister mwoyosvi sadza (which i plan on making for you when I get home) and african food. our district also had sadza for sister mwoyosvi's birthday.
another fun/crazy thing that happened this week is that we have some new investigators (from Fiji, hence the Fiji greeting) and one of them's birthday was saturday, so we got the chance to celebrate his and my companion's together.
the funniest thing I have probably done this is show up to our dinner appointment an hour early. haha. whoops. we were coming back from coventry and just went straight there....and then looked at my planner. *note to self* always check planner first!
what I have learned this week: sometimes going and seeing your investigator who is going to be baptised next week (now this week!!) is more important than doing 12 weeks (the training program).. also, I am a really bad trainer. :) in the best way.
I have also learned about my own personal desire this week. like everything, if you want to do it, it tends to get done. and if you dont, well it still gets done it just takes a lot longer.
I was reading in judges this morning (the pages were still stuck together) about Gideon. it reminded me of the primary lesson mom gave back when i always snuck into her class. :) and there was a part that stuck out to me when some idol's altar got destroyed- and someone said something like if he's a god, he can avenge his own altar, let him plead for himself. and know just how many times Heavenly Father has done just that, letting you know that there was no way besides through Him that things worked out. :)
-Sister Wadsworth :)
1) african queen/ birthday girl
2) fiji swag
3) sadza with Peterborough district
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i meant to say ely, england, uk. not ely NV. i just thought it was cool that there was 2 places named ely so far away and now I know people in both of them. tell scoop she cant die until I get home! and tell pants to go on a diet. :)
I say "ndokurova" back to Jacques.
I love you Mom!
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
Where should I start? Peaches or UNR? Peaches are nearly done. This year, I just cut up all the peaches and got them into the freezer, so there isn't any rush to get all the jam done right away. It was crazy gettin all 20 boxes done so fast, but it's worth it now.
So on Wednesday, after work, and after scouts and YW, Ally and I took off for Reno. We drove all night, and only had to stop once or twice to sleep. We got there about 7:30, and did some exploring and finding food. We were still early for her check in time, so we visited the institute, and then she went to get her ID (which she needed to check in). The institute is still the same as when I went to school. It was very de'ja'vue. Her dorm is right across the street from the institute.
It was crazy with people moving in. We were able to park in the institute parking lot and avoid some of the craziness, sot there are definite benefits to church membership. Her room is on the 5th floor, but there were tons of helpers there to help carry stuff, so it didn't take long to get everything moved in. She shares a room with 2 other girls, and so far she says they are all getting along. I hope it stays that way.
Ally had orientation, so I went to Walmart and Home Depot and got all her stuff she needed. I even picked out her computer for her. It was weird to do her school shopping without her. I got done about the time she had a break, so we unloaded all her new stuff, then she got a hug and went back to orientation, and I left. I've checked in on her and she seems to be doing ok. she and her roommates explored campus and found all their classes. She just needs to get her books and settle up her financial aid.
The drive home was pretty hairy. I had to stop and sleep 3 or 4 times. It took me 12 hours to do the 8 hour drive. Then I got to start in on jam.
In other news, all the kids at home are doing well. Natty still likes middles school. Benson is working hard on math and basketball. Jacques still avoids homework. Chelsey still working. Benson is working weekends (and he has the money spent 3 times over before he even gets paid).
Scoop is getting old. She looks like it hurts to walk. And she doesn't move very fast anymore.
Pants is getting fat. She is getting round, and even Natty admits it.
Jacques says "hi ."
I guess that's about it. Tell us all about your week. Dad wants to know who it was that you met from Ely. He and the bishop up there were trying to figure out who it could be.
We love you. Keep up the good work.
-Sister Wadsworth :)
August 29, 2016
bula vinaka everyone!
what a week it has been!
it started out with a trip to Birmingham (where the mission home is) and we also went to Coventry this week for exchanges. so, its been a pretty crazy week, because it ended with sister mwoyosvi's birthday! (the 28)
i was actually dreading this week, because believe it or not, there are so many people to visit here and this week we literally did not have enough time, because all of this travelling takes away the precious time we could have visited with these people, so this week we get to make up for that.
but exchanges was a lot of fun. I went with sister Gillette and we knows jordan and taylor. the stl's made sister mwoyosvi sadza (which i plan on making for you when I get home) and african food. our district also had sadza for sister mwoyosvi's birthday.
another fun/crazy thing that happened this week is that we have some new investigators (from Fiji, hence the Fiji greeting) and one of them's birthday was saturday, so we got the chance to celebrate his and my companion's together.
the funniest thing I have probably done this is show up to our dinner appointment an hour early. haha. whoops. we were coming back from coventry and just went straight there....and then looked at my planner. *note to self* always check planner first!
what I have learned this week: sometimes going and seeing your investigator who is going to be baptised next week (now this week!!) is more important than doing 12 weeks (the training program).. also, I am a really bad trainer. :) in the best way.
I have also learned about my own personal desire this week. like everything, if you want to do it, it tends to get done. and if you dont, well it still gets done it just takes a lot longer.
I was reading in judges this morning (the pages were still stuck together) about Gideon. it reminded me of the primary lesson mom gave back when i always snuck into her class. :) and there was a part that stuck out to me when some idol's altar got destroyed- and someone said something like if he's a god, he can avenge his own altar, let him plead for himself. and know just how many times Heavenly Father has done just that, letting you know that there was no way besides through Him that things worked out. :)
-Sister Wadsworth :)
1) african queen/ birthday girl
2) fiji swag
3) sadza with Peterborough district
(I don't know what Rachel did to attach her pictures this week, but I can't get them to post on here with either the laptop or my phone)
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i meant to say ely, england, uk. not ely NV. i just thought it was cool that there was 2 places named ely so far away and now I know people in both of them. tell scoop she cant die until I get home! and tell pants to go on a diet. :)
I say "ndokurova" back to Jacques.
I love you Mom!
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
Where should I start? Peaches or UNR? Peaches are nearly done. This year, I just cut up all the peaches and got them into the freezer, so there isn't any rush to get all the jam done right away. It was crazy gettin all 20 boxes done so fast, but it's worth it now.
So on Wednesday, after work, and after scouts and YW, Ally and I took off for Reno. We drove all night, and only had to stop once or twice to sleep. We got there about 7:30, and did some exploring and finding food. We were still early for her check in time, so we visited the institute, and then she went to get her ID (which she needed to check in). The institute is still the same as when I went to school. It was very de'ja'vue. Her dorm is right across the street from the institute.
It was crazy with people moving in. We were able to park in the institute parking lot and avoid some of the craziness, sot there are definite benefits to church membership. Her room is on the 5th floor, but there were tons of helpers there to help carry stuff, so it didn't take long to get everything moved in. She shares a room with 2 other girls, and so far she says they are all getting along. I hope it stays that way.
Ally had orientation, so I went to Walmart and Home Depot and got all her stuff she needed. I even picked out her computer for her. It was weird to do her school shopping without her. I got done about the time she had a break, so we unloaded all her new stuff, then she got a hug and went back to orientation, and I left. I've checked in on her and she seems to be doing ok. she and her roommates explored campus and found all their classes. She just needs to get her books and settle up her financial aid.
The drive home was pretty hairy. I had to stop and sleep 3 or 4 times. It took me 12 hours to do the 8 hour drive. Then I got to start in on jam.
In other news, all the kids at home are doing well. Natty still likes middles school. Benson is working hard on math and basketball. Jacques still avoids homework. Chelsey still working. Benson is working weekends (and he has the money spent 3 times over before he even gets paid).
Scoop is getting old. She looks like it hurts to walk. And she doesn't move very fast anymore.
Pants is getting fat. She is getting round, and even Natty admits it.
Jacques says "hi ."
I guess that's about it. Tell us all about your week. Dad wants to know who it was that you met from Ely. He and the bishop up there were trying to figure out who it could be.
We love you. Keep up the good work.
-Sister Wadsworth :)

what a week it has been!
it started out with a trip to Birmingham (where the mission home is) and we also went to Coventry this week for exchanges. so, its been a pretty crazy week, because it ended with sister mwoyosvi's birthday! (the 28)
i was actually dreading this week, because believe it or not, there are so many people to visit here and this week we literally did not have enough time, because all of this travelling takes away the precious time we could have visited with these people, so this week we get to make up for that.
but exchanges was a lot of fun. I went with sister Gillette and we knows jordan and taylor. the stl's made sister mwoyosvi sadza (which i plan on making for you when I get home) and african food. our district also had sadza for sister mwoyosvi's birthday.
another fun/crazy thing that happened this week is that we have some new investigators (from Fiji, hence the Fiji greeting) and one of them's birthday was saturday, so we got the chance to celebrate his and my companion's together.
the funniest thing I have probably done this is show up to our dinner appointment an hour early. haha. whoops. we were coming back from coventry and just went straight there....and then looked at my planner. *note to self* always check planner first!
what I have learned this week: sometimes going and seeing your investigator who is going to be baptised next week (now this week!!) is more important than doing 12 weeks (the training program).. also, I am a really bad trainer. :) in the best way.
I have also learned about my own personal desire this week. like everything, if you want to do it, it tends to get done. and if you dont, well it still gets done it just takes a lot longer.
I was reading in judges this morning (the pages were still stuck together) about Gideon. it reminded me of the primary lesson mom gave back when i always snuck into her class. :) and there was a part that stuck out to me when some idol's altar got destroyed- and someone said something like if he's a god, he can avenge his own altar, let him plead for himself. and know just how many times Heavenly Father has done just that, letting you know that there was no way besides through Him that things worked out. :)
-Sister Wadsworth :)
1) african queen/ birthday girl
2) fiji swag
3) sadza with Peterborough district
(I don't know what Rachel did to attach her pictures this week, but I can't get them to post on here with either the laptop or my phone)
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i meant to say ely, england, uk. not ely NV. i just thought it was cool that there was 2 places named ely so far away and now I know people in both of them. tell scoop she cant die until I get home! and tell pants to go on a diet. :)
I say "ndokurova" back to Jacques.
I love you Mom!
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
Where should I start? Peaches or UNR? Peaches are nearly done. This year, I just cut up all the peaches and got them into the freezer, so there isn't any rush to get all the jam done right away. It was crazy gettin all 20 boxes done so fast, but it's worth it now.
So on Wednesday, after work, and after scouts and YW, Ally and I took off for Reno. We drove all night, and only had to stop once or twice to sleep. We got there about 7:30, and did some exploring and finding food. We were still early for her check in time, so we visited the institute, and then she went to get her ID (which she needed to check in). The institute is still the same as when I went to school. It was very de'ja'vue. Her dorm is right across the street from the institute.
It was crazy with people moving in. We were able to park in the institute parking lot and avoid some of the craziness, sot there are definite benefits to church membership. Her room is on the 5th floor, but there were tons of helpers there to help carry stuff, so it didn't take long to get everything moved in. She shares a room with 2 other girls, and so far she says they are all getting along. I hope it stays that way.
Ally had orientation, so I went to Walmart and Home Depot and got all her stuff she needed. I even picked out her computer for her. It was weird to do her school shopping without her. I got done about the time she had a break, so we unloaded all her new stuff, then she got a hug and went back to orientation, and I left. I've checked in on her and she seems to be doing ok. she and her roommates explored campus and found all their classes. She just needs to get her books and settle up her financial aid.
The drive home was pretty hairy. I had to stop and sleep 3 or 4 times. It took me 12 hours to do the 8 hour drive. Then I got to start in on jam.
In other news, all the kids at home are doing well. Natty still likes middles school. Benson is working hard on math and basketball. Jacques still avoids homework. Chelsey still working. Benson is working weekends (and he has the money spent 3 times over before he even gets paid).
Scoop is getting old. She looks like it hurts to walk. And she doesn't move very fast anymore.
Pants is getting fat. She is getting round, and even Natty admits it.
Jacques says "hi ."
I guess that's about it. Tell us all about your week. Dad wants to know who it was that you met from Ely. He and the bishop up there were trying to figure out who it could be.
We love you. Keep up the good work.
-Sister Wadsworth :)
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