Greetings everyone!!
Sorry I don't think I will have a lot of time today. But this week has
been a mix of good and bad. The good news is that I am doing great and
still learning new things every day. The bad news is that since I
failed my driving test, sister mwoyosvi and I will be hoofin' it for
about a week before I can retake the test. I never thought I would not
be excited to hit my year mark, but when that day comes, life will get
so much harder.
Yup. This week I learned that I am way more like dad than I thought I
was. And sometimes my ideas are NOT good ones. Other highlights of
this week have been that..... I don't even know. It all kind of just
blends in with the weeks before it. Only men measure through time...
Other news, transfers have come and gone, our district now has three
sets of sisters with one set of elders. Weird, right?
Sorry for the short email is week. I literally just don't know what to say.
I love you all so much. Thank you for all that you have done and are
doing now. I'm grateful for the gospel and the infinite ways that it
can bless each and every person of they just apply it.
Sister Wadsworth 😊
I remember the act. It's a terrible test. Good luck!! That's exciting that you won the raffle!! And that's a lot of jam. I'm so happy I wasn't a part of it this year.
It's so hard to believe I only have six months left. That's so sad.
Love you so sososososo much mom!!
Sent from my iPad
On 12 Sep 2016, at 06:15, Kelly <> wrote:
Dear girls,
Guess what? I bought a raffle ticket last week at the parade. Later that day, I got a text saying that I had won! $500 to Best Buy. Isn't that awesome!!!
I'm debating whether to use it now or save it for Christmas.
So after labor day, we made it through the week. Then on Friday was the Sadie's dance. Jacques went with Abby (Emma's cousin), and Benson went with Marcie Woodworth. They were both a little( or a lot) worried about whether they would have fun, but both came home happy.
Jacques is getting ready to do his Eagle project. Moving mine claim posts from blm land.
Saturday i finally finished all the jam. Over 350 jars this year. Oy Ve. I'm glad it is done. I'm seriously considering not selling it anymore.
Natty is having lots of bloody noses. Poor kid. She had one at church today.
I guess that is all our interesting news this week. I'm typing on my phone, because Benson has the laptop tied up. He is signing up for the ACT. Both boys will be taking it next month.
So tell us all that is going on. Cami and Ally can write back, too.
I love you all. I am looking forward to having everyone together again. 6 months to go.
Love you,
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