what a week it has been!
it started out with a trip to Birmingham (where the mission home is) and we also went to Coventry this week for exchanges. so, its been a pretty crazy week, because it ended with sister mwoyosvi's birthday! (the 28)
i was actually dreading this week, because believe it or not, there are so many people to visit here and this week we literally did not have enough time, because all of this travelling takes away the precious time we could have visited with these people, so this week we get to make up for that.
but exchanges was a lot of fun. I went with sister Gillette and we knows jordan and taylor. the stl's made sister mwoyosvi sadza (which i plan on making for you when I get home) and african food. our district also had sadza for sister mwoyosvi's birthday.
another fun/crazy thing that happened this week is that we have some new investigators (from Fiji, hence the Fiji greeting) and one of them's birthday was saturday, so we got the chance to celebrate his and my companion's together.
the funniest thing I have probably done this is show up to our dinner appointment an hour early. haha. whoops. we were coming back from coventry and just went straight there....and then looked at my planner. *note to self* always check planner first!
what I have learned this week: sometimes going and seeing your investigator who is going to be baptised next week (now this week!!) is more important than doing 12 weeks (the training program).. also, I am a really bad trainer. :) in the best way.
I have also learned about my own personal desire this week. like everything, if you want to do it, it tends to get done. and if you dont, well it still gets done it just takes a lot longer.
I was reading in judges this morning (the pages were still stuck together) about Gideon. it reminded me of the primary lesson mom gave back when i always snuck into her class. :) and there was a part that stuck out to me when some idol's altar got destroyed- and someone said something like if he's a god, he can avenge his own altar, let him plead for himself. and know just how many times Heavenly Father has done just that, letting you know that there was no way besides through Him that things worked out. :)
-Sister Wadsworth :)
1) african queen/ birthday girl
2) fiji swag
3) sadza with Peterborough district
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i meant to say ely, england, uk. not ely NV. i just thought it was cool that there was 2 places named ely so far away and now I know people in both of them. tell scoop she cant die until I get home! and tell pants to go on a diet. :)
I say "ndokurova" back to Jacques.
I love you Mom!
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:37 AM, kelly wadsworth <mkwads@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Rachel,
Where should I start? Peaches or UNR? Peaches are nearly done. This year, I just cut up all the peaches and got them into the freezer, so there isn't any rush to get all the jam done right away. It was crazy gettin all 20 boxes done so fast, but it's worth it now.
So on Wednesday, after work, and after scouts and YW, Ally and I took off for Reno. We drove all night, and only had to stop once or twice to sleep. We got there about 7:30, and did some exploring and finding food. We were still early for her check in time, so we visited the institute, and then she went to get her ID (which she needed to check in). The institute is still the same as when I went to school. It was very de'ja'vue. Her dorm is right across the street from the institute.
It was crazy with people moving in. We were able to park in the institute parking lot and avoid some of the craziness, sot there are definite benefits to church membership. Her room is on the 5th floor, but there were tons of helpers there to help carry stuff, so it didn't take long to get everything moved in. She shares a room with 2 other girls, and so far she says they are all getting along. I hope it stays that way.
Ally had orientation, so I went to Walmart and Home Depot and got all her stuff she needed. I even picked out her computer for her. It was weird to do her school shopping without her. I got done about the time she had a break, so we unloaded all her new stuff, then she got a hug and went back to orientation, and I left. I've checked in on her and she seems to be doing ok. she and her roommates explored campus and found all their classes. She just needs to get her books and settle up her financial aid.
The drive home was pretty hairy. I had to stop and sleep 3 or 4 times. It took me 12 hours to do the 8 hour drive. Then I got to start in on jam.
In other news, all the kids at home are doing well. Natty still likes middles school. Benson is working hard on math and basketball. Jacques still avoids homework. Chelsey still working. Benson is working weekends (and he has the money spent 3 times over before he even gets paid).
Scoop is getting old. She looks like it hurts to walk. And she doesn't move very fast anymore.
Pants is getting fat. She is getting round, and even Natty admits it.
Jacques says "hi ."
I guess that's about it. Tell us all about your week. Dad wants to know who it was that you met from Ely. He and the bishop up there were trying to figure out who it could be.
We love you. Keep up the good work.
-Sister Wadsworth :)
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