Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016

Hello everyone. Much love to all of you. ❤️❤️

So this week does not have the best of news... But I do think there is
a great scripture that sums it up nicely:

Alma 26:
30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that
perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed
that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving
31 Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and
are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can
witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their
brethren and also towards us.

Yup. That just about sums it up. So, if you haven't guessed already...
I didn't pass my test. 😢 nope. Although my prayers were still
answered in that I was nowhere near as stressed or nervous as I was
But the miracle actually happened the day after.
We got back from Nottingham late and decided to try to bus (a slow
method of travel in Stamford area) to try to get to Bourne. We never
decided what we were going to do there, but we were going to go.
#faithfindinganyone? (also it was late and we had and a long day)
We sat at the small bus station waiting, talking to a few people whose
buses came and went, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. But our
own bus never showed up. Discouraged, we started walking. Talking to
the people on our way. Our feet (led by the spirit) took us to a
street where we maybe didn't convert thousands of lama it's like Ammon
and his brethren, but we DID find enough friendly people to make our
day a complete miracle.
God is in the details of our lives. He know my struggles (and right
now it seems many...) and He definitely knows each of yours. And, like
I explained to someone that day, we need trials to understand how we
can be happier. Opposition in all things..
Even though we seem to be stuck in a place that has had missionaries
working it since the dawn of time, (we just had a celebration of sorts
for 50 of missionaries being in Stamford. Along with the primary
program- best sacrament meeting of the year) we are working on it. We
can figure things out, and if not, we'll have met the good people we
were supposed to as we are trying to.
Much love, peace and blessings and all that, ❤️❤️🇬🇧✌️
Sister Wadsworth 😊😊❤️
1) cool picture
2) me!! Right now today because I have no other pictures to send you.

Hi mom!! I love you. 
Sounds like natty and Chelsey had a lot of fun at the byu game and stuff. I loved the pictures, natty is growing up so much! 
England is getting colder but we haven't been rained on too much so it's still good. 
Lots of love. ❤️❤️❤️

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On 26 Sep 2016, at 06:47, kelly wadsworth <> wrote:
Dear Rachel, Cami, and Ally,
Here we are together, together, together. Oh, here we are together, writing a letter!
sorry.  that was in my head, so I had to share and get it into your heads too!  You're welcome.

So.  It has been another week.  Same ol', same ol'.  Reiko hasn't been feeling well, so it has been a little rougher than normal.  Hopefully this week will be better.  
Monday we finally got the boys social security cards changed to their new names.  As soon as the new cards come, I think we will be able to go get them driving permits.  

Jacques had a football game on Thursday.  I sent pictures.  We won 32-0.  Usually with a score like that, the game is pretty boring, but this one was a really good game.  Jacques had some good blocks, and a blocked punt that they ran back in for a touch down.  
Natty played in the pep band.  she had been looking forward to it all week.  She really seems to like middle school.

Friday morning everyone left.  Even me.  Benson went to work.  Chelsey and Natty went to Provo/Salt Lake for Women's conference.  And Jacques went to Lake Powell with the scouts.  I went pine nut picking with Grandma and Grandpa and Teri.  
There are tons of pine nuts this year.  We picked for about 3 hours and filled 3 ice cream buckets.  I had more fun being out in the mountains with my family.  I am so sore, though, that I moan and groan every time I have to get up or bend over.  (People shouldn't climb trees at my age)  I think we are going again in a week or two.  

Chelsey and Natty had a lot of fun on their trip.  They went to a BYU volleyball game.  Natty said that was her favorite part of the trip.  They got to meet the team and get their autographs.  she bought a little cougar, too.  They did baptisms at the Provo city center temple, too.  It sounded to me like the Beehives on the trip had a crazy good time.  They all went in one car, and all the older girls rode in  another.  they didn't get home til 1:30 in the morning.  we are all a little tired today.
Jacques had fun on his trip.  They tried to make a water slide down the beach, but I guess it didn't work so well.  He made it home about an hour before the girls did.  
Benson and I had a good old time here at home.  When I got home from the mountain, he was on the floor in front of the fireplace with a fire going.  It wasn't that cold, he just decided that he really wanted a fire.  I've always said that he was meant to be an only child.  He is so easy to get along with one on one.  He even helped me with the dishes WITHOUT    arguing!  
This is your dad's week off, but he is staying up in Ely.  He is driving truck for AGL on his days off, trying to get some bills caught up.  He will be home Wednesday, then have to go back to work at the mine on Friday.  
Chelsey is getting ready to go back up to Twin Falls.  She is applying for a sub license in Idaho.  I'm sure she will write and tell you all about it.
I just talked to Ally, and she sounds so much happier this week.  It is so hard to be so far away from anyone that you know.  Good job, Ally!
I'm pretty sure Cami is still alive.  I haven't talked to her this week.  I did see a picture on facebook that looked pretty recent.
So, how are things in England?  did you ever pass your driver's test?  Is it getting cold?  I want to get your Christmas package going, is there anything you need/want?  
How about funny stories, or miracles, or weird food you had to eat?  Do you still get lost on occasion?
Are you teaching anyone?  Tell us all . . . .
Ally, you can email me too . . .
Cami, I know you have a new computer.  Let's hear from you, too.
I love you.  You girls are so strong, I don't need super heroes, I just look at you.  Keep it up.
Love you,

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