Monday, February 1, 2016

 Dear mom,
Unfortunately, that was the only snow we've gotten. I'm so jealous of the ten inches you have!! That's a lot. People keep telling me about the crazy weather America is having, but honestly I don't know anything about it besides that. They also keep saying that it has been a really mild winter this year and there is usually ice and slush by now. I think I bring warm weather with me because this happened to me last year in Idaho too....
This week has been pretty good. We worked a lot, and rode the bus a lot and knocked a few doors. Sister Francis and I get along really well. After we get through some awkward situations, we have a good laugh over it. πŸ˜„
Our week was really busy the first half, and trying to get everywhere on time was the hardest part, but after Wednesday, we kind of started picking an area and working in that, or working our way home from there. And we met with a few more less active members this week and added them to the list of people to visit. So we have a ton of less actives, but not really any investigators despite our finding efforts. But it will happen!!
Thursday we got into a sticky situation, that was pretty funny, but also really cold. We hold a volleyball night every Thursday, but for the past few weeks there haven't been any sisters showing up to play, mostly youth and bishop and/or brother batt. So with sister Lee, we had counted the members of the bishopric there to be able to go in and play, but with sister Francis, she wanted a sister there- so we waited and pray d someone would show up, but we ended up calling sister squires and begging her to come watch. And she was an Angel and rescued us. So you can laugh at us freezing cold outside the church wondering how to hold our own event..
My money is miraculously holding out besides the fact that we love to go shopping on pday.. And for the msf money (grocery money) I have actually been having a lot left over, so it's been paying for my buss passes as well. I am still in the same flat, but transfers are this Wednesday, so I'll let you know next week if I am still in the area.
Also, Natty can't turn twelve until I get home.
I think I did file taxes last year, maybe..
Haha I think you are so amazing mom, and I want to be like you when I grow up. 😊 haha there's a new youth song called we are a family, and it's just my favourite thing ever right now.
I love you all so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😘
Sister Wadsworth 😊

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On 1 Feb 2016, at 06:39, kelly wadsworth <> wrote:

Dear Rachel,
You can tell it is Sunday night at our house because everyone (sort of) is frantically typing a letter to you.
So it is Sunday night and it has been snowing for about 24 hours.  We have 10 inches here in Dry Valley, and we got stuck trying to get up Grandma's hill.  It's a snow day for us tomorrow even if they don't call one for  the schools.  I think they will, though, there is just too much snow to run buses and drive.  Yeah, snow!!
So, news from home.  Hmmmm.  It was really muddy on Monday,, and by Thursday it had mostly dried up.  Now with all this snow, we will start all over again.
Jacques and I got 2 of the lights fixed on the van.  I feel like I can drive past the highway patrol or sheriff's cars without getting pulled over.  Now if we can just get the headlight fixed, I will be set.  Then we can start working on tires.
The boys lost both of their games this weekend.  The first on to Calvary Chapel by not too much, but the Meadows game was brutal.  Almost 50 points.  Benson got to play quite a bit, and did pretty good.  He even made his free throws.
Jacques and Ally went to FFA zone in Logandale on Wednesday.  They had to be in Panaca by 6 am.  I'm glad Jesse and Derek are willing to help us out on days like that.  I owe them some cookies after wrestling is over.
Thursday was pretty hectic.  I had Tracie Poulsen's 2 youngest girls along with all 4 of my regular boys.  It was a busy day.  Then Friday, we had Taryn and Ashton.  Natty took care of them most of the day.  Ally helped too, but you know how Natty gets stuck with alll the kids when she is here.  They love her.
I think we have established by now that we are pretty boring here at home, so it is up to you to let us experience you mission vicariously.  Are you still in the same flat?  How are you and Sister Francis getting along? How is your money holding out?  Have you had to buy anything but groceries?
Dad is staying busy up in Ely.  He has a lot more snow than we do.
Natty got to go to her first YW last Wednesday.  They were doing a project to get ready for New Beginnings.  I can't believe she will be 12 soon.  It's a good thing I have all my extra kiddos, since you guys insisted on growing up.
OH. Your taxes.  do you want me to file yours for you?  Did you file them last year?  I don't remember if you did or if we just claimed you.  If you did, I need your turbotax password and username.  Send them in a seperate email.  Also, you need to start paying your sallie mae loans soon.  Did you give them your email?  What is that and what is your password for that?
Well, keep up the good work.  You are awesome!  thank you for being such a good example to all of us.  I want to be like you when I grow up!
Love you!!!!!!

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